In the international release of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, every character's blood is colored red whereas in the Japanese release, all blood is colored white. Cyborg-based characters bleeding white blood in the Japanese release is consistent with the setting of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, where Raiden also used white blood. This also has an effect on Jetstream Sam's death scene, where he notably bleeds red blood compared to everyone else's white blood, revealing him to be almost purely human. An explanation of sorts for why every character's blood is red in the international version is provided in a codec call with Doktor during File R-01: Coup d'Etat:
Extra clarification is added to Sam's death scene as well due to this.
"Organic muscle fiber which allows extraction of nutrients from the bloodstream does exist, but it requires artificial blood for sufficient power output. This so-called "white blood" requires dialysis, and was mostly phased out once cyborg technology became mainstream."
Extra clarification is added to Sam's death scene as well due to this.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance censorship comparison video:
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - White blood codec call (1:52:28):
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - Sam's death scene:
The Cutting Room Floor article:
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - White blood codec call (1:52:28):
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - Sam's death scene:
The Cutting Room Floor article:

Two other recognized actors featured in the videos include an interrogator played by Noah Nelson, the voice of Cunningham from Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, and a surgeon played by James Horan, who would later voice Skull Face in Metal Gear Solid V.
ARG description:
GameInformer article:
1Up.com article:
GameInformer article:
1Up.com article:

Oddly enough, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was released in 2013, a full two years before Donald Trump announced in candidacy in 2015.
Jetstream Sam was primarily designed by Kenichirou Yoshimura who had initially planned on leaving PlatinumGames early in the development process of the game after it was handed over to them. However, three days before he was scheduled to leave, Yoshimura had stumbled onto what some of the concept artists were working on, asking if they needed any suggestions. He was enraged that they weren't taking the Metal Gear concept seriously in the development process and that they "cannot place this in a Metal Gear game!" He decided to stay for half a year beyond schedule until he was certain that it was up to the standards of Metal Gear.
There are several groups of Dwarf Gekkos in the game that stand on top of each other to form the shape of a human. Whenever Raiden counters their attacks, they perform Old Snake's taunt from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
Metal Gear Rising was originally developed as an open world game set in the time period between Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4. Hampered by their own preconceptions about what a Metal Gear game should be like, and given little direction by Hideo Kojima, the team assigned to the project was struggling to make a coherent game due to the different directions the developers thought they should take. Eventually, Kojima asked Platinum Games to develop the game. Platinum became the game's developer, but the game's cutscenes, story, and setting were still heavily supervised by Kojima Productions.
In Mission 3, you can find two posters of women covered in caution tape. Slicing the caution tape in blade mode will reveal them to be wearing bikinis. In the same mission, there is also a cardboard cutout of a woman, and slicing it will change it into a different one wearing a leather outfit.

In VR mission #5, you are supposed to blow up Dwarf Gekkos with grenades. On the last wave, you are supposed to kill the Dwarf Gekkos as they run around the arena. However, if you wait they will spell out a "P", the symbol for Platinum Games, the developer.
In the Spanish version of the game, among other errors, there are multiple instances of untranslated German text left between Spanish sentences.
The music that plays inside the Japanese Garden in the World Marshal Building is a remix of the Edo Castle music from Goemon.
There is a white cat that appears twice during the game. The cat appears first in File 1 at the beach. If Raiden attempts to attack the cat, it will dodge the attack and can even be forced into the ocean until it's completely underwater. The cat appears later during File 3. During Monsoon's pre-battle monologue, if Raiden looks to the right the cat will appear again and one of the assassins accompanying Monsoon will pet and play with the cat.
When you first meet George, the boy in the sewer, he makes a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle reference by saying "A ninja? Cowabunga!" and quoting Vanilla Ice's Ninja Rap. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lived in the sewers, and Cowabunga was Michelangelo's catch phrase.
On the title screen, before clicking start, inputting the Konami Code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A) will make Raiden say the title of the game, and all difficulties will be unlocked.
Kojima initially wanted Gray Fox to play the main role in the game, but made the decision to have Raiden take the main role instead. This was to allow the younger members of his team to take control of the game.
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