

The planet Amaranthine found in the Fortuna system of the Horse Head Nebula shares the same name as the city in Dragon Age Origins: Awakening. Both games were made by Bioware.
On several explorable locations in the game, namely Altahe, Nepmos, Nodacrux, Rayingri, Eletania, Xawin and even Luna (Earth's moon,) strange sounds can be heard when the player exits the Mako and stands in a specific point of the map.
Although never confirmed by BioWare, the Mass Effect community has speculated that these peculiar noises are 'songs' from the insectoid and believed extinct race the Rachni.
Although never confirmed by BioWare, the Mass Effect community has speculated that these peculiar noises are 'songs' from the insectoid and believed extinct race the Rachni.
While on planet Noveria, Captain Ventralis states his rule is "two legs good, four legs bad", a corruption of the phrase "four legs good, two legs bad" as stated by the sheeps in George Orwell's "Animal Farm". Ironically, the sheeps would later change this to "Four legs good, two legs better" by the novel's end.
On the planet Noveria, when Commander Shepard enters the Hot Labs, the Russian scientist inside warns him of the Neutron Purge. Upon being asked for the codes, the scientist will be killed by a Rachni grunt. Should the player interract with the V.I without having obtained the codes from the scientist, an option will be available that has Shepard mumble something. Choosing this option causes Shepard to mumble "Sic semper tyranus...", a Latin phrase meaning "Thus always to tyrants." This phrase is a rally cry against those who abuse political power, and was spoken by Marcus Julius Brutus during his assassination of Julius Caesar, as well as John Wilkes Booth during his assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.
Mass Effect was banned in Singapore due to a scene where it's possible for Female Shepard to have sex with the Female Asari Sha'ira. The ban was later lifted, however it was given an "M18" classification, making it the first video game in Singapore to ever receive a rating.
Note: According to the Galactic Codex: Essentials Edition 2183, while Asari have only one gender, they are not asexual like single-celled life; all Asari are sexually female.
Note: According to the Galactic Codex: Essentials Edition 2183, while Asari have only one gender, they are not asexual like single-celled life; all Asari are sexually female.
During the motion-capture scene where David Anderson knocked out Donnel Udina by punching him in the face so that Commander Shepard and his crew can go after Saren Arterius in the Normandy SR-2, the game's cinematic lead Shane Welbourn (suited up as Anderson), accidentally clocked the actor who played Udina in the jaw.
During the course of the game, a superfan by the name of Conrad Verner approaches Commander Shepherd looking for autographs, eventually leading to him just showing up to fawn over Shepherd. Eventually, this leads to a choice of either dismissing him peacefully or aggressively. Due to a glitch, the game would incorrectly log which decision the player makes as the Renegade decision and makes Conrad act aggressively towards Shepherd over the course of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 ruining the chances of seeing the end of his story arc.
This was fixed in the Legendary Edition rerelease. While the decision still registers incorrectly, Conrad will apologize for his behavior in the later games and allow the player to either continue the Renegade route or shift to the Paragon route of his story.
This was fixed in the Legendary Edition rerelease. While the decision still registers incorrectly, Conrad will apologize for his behavior in the later games and allow the player to either continue the Renegade route or shift to the Paragon route of his story.
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