In an October 24, 2023 WIRED video/interview with the Marvel's Spider-Man series creative director Bryan Intihar, he revealed that when redesigning Venom, the development team wanted to take all the elements of Venom that both players and fans loved about the character. Whether it's Venom's size, symbol, teeth, mouth, eyes, transformation and power, they wanted to be respectful of the DNA of the character, but also not afraid to mix things up. Ultimately, the goal was to take all of this all into account to ensure that Venom is "pretty badass".
As of the current updated version of the game, a walkway overlooking a pier found in the southwest portion of the Financial District region contains a spot that does not have collision detection. This spot makes players fall under the world's map where they can unofficially travel under New York City. By carefully traveling northward towards Greenwich, players will come across leftover assets for an underground structure with pipes that can be web swing towards. Entering this structure and climbing up will reveal a Spoiler: leftover unused Kraven trophy room featuring a throne and the mounted heads of Rhino, Vulture, Electro, & Shocker. This Spoiler:trophy room probably would have coincided with the game's story that Spoiler: Kraven The Hunter kills Scorpion on screen, while Vulture, Electro, & Shocker are killed off screen.
In an October 24, 2023 WIRED video/interview with the Marvel's Spider-Man series creative director Bryan Intihar, he revealed that in order to make the sound effects for the web shooters, the audio team used silly string, plastic wrap, shrink wrap and even made the "thlip" sound with their voices, all of which were integrated into making their own webbing sound effects.
Within the 2023 Insomniac Games ransomware leak, a PC developer build of the game was found to include several unused Symbiote bosses, including Riot, Lasher, Agony, and Phage. These characters were intended to appear as a team alongside the main antagonist, Venom. However, during development, the game’s story likely underwent changes and the focus shifted to other characters, such as Kraven and Venom. As a result, the Symbiotes besides Venom, Scream, and Anti-Venom were abandoned.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Leak Reveals Cut Content, Including Riot And Other Symbiotes:
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Leaks Reveal Symbiote Bosses That Didn’t Make the Final Cut Along With Some Scrapped Story Elements:
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Leaks Reveal Symbiote Bosses That Didn’t Make the Final Cut Along With Some Scrapped Story Elements:
In an October 27, 2023 Kinda Funny Games podcast video with the Marvel's Spider-Man series creative director Bryan Intihar, he revealed that the side quest "Make Your Own Choices", where you chase after Black Cat through a series of portals she summons with the Wand of Watoomb, was taken from Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, a game that was also developed by Insomniac Games.
Intihar also stated that he wanted Miles Morales to interact with Black Cat for the side quest instead of Peter Parker, because Peter and Black Cat already interacted with each other a lot, so he tried to give Miles more interactions with her and make her care about Miles.
Intihar also stated that he wanted Miles Morales to interact with Black Cat for the side quest instead of Peter Parker, because Peter and Black Cat already interacted with each other a lot, so he tried to give Miles more interactions with her and make her care about Miles.
In an October 20, 2023 video/interview with the Marvel's Spider-Man series creative director Bryan Intihar, interviewed by YouTuber Caboose, he was asked for more details on the Black Spider-Man's Symbiote moves and if there were any reasons for including the Iron Spider Suit from the first game. He responded:
"I think it's so much about the Symbiote, right, because it's such a big draw for people, especially Marvel fans and Spider-Man fans. But, you know, we obviously we made the Miles Morales game, and Miles has a very unique and distinct abilities [sic] like he has the ability to go camo, and he has the bio electricity, right? Well like, we knew that it was going to be a little bit of a little while before Pete got the Symbiote based on the story we wanted to tell, but it wasn't like we wanted Pete to have no abilities, so we're like "what can we do to kind of give him something that also now teaches this idea of like the slotted abilities?", and we thought "well, let's go, let's dip into the Marvel Spider-Man lore and go 'what if he had the arms?'", cause the arms were just kind of like it was like a finisher suit power, back in the day of this first game. And we were like "let's just expand upon it", and so you know obviously he you know in the first game he worked with Ock and he knows some of the knowledge of the arms. He draws some inspiration from those, but obviously keeps the bad parts of the arms away, and yeah you know, it's just a little bit of a wink and a nod to that it's a little bit of a you know, it's that you know that classic you know Iron Man Spider-Man story with him creating the suit, but you know I think that's a good example of like what we've done on our franchise tried to do is you know, respect the DNA of the franchise and the character, but like mix things up, so you know they're not the iron arms they're the spider arms you know stuff like that, so yeah."

The decision to go "photo real" was likely for the same reasons that Insomniac changed Peter Parker's face for the remastered version of the first game in 2020, and later games. The team gave a brand new face for Peter Parker, apparently in order to "bring the best performances to players," Insomniac said at the time.
Article on Scott Porter recasting:
Graham Phillips on voicing Harry Osborn:
Graham Phillips on voicing Harry Osborn:

The Message cameo footage:
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse artbook:
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse artbook:
During Summer Game Fest 2023, the game's creative director Brian Intihar revealed that the Venom featured in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 would not be based on the origin story of Eddie Brock. Instead, Intihar stated:
"…our goal was to tell an original story something you haven't seen in the comics and the movies yet. Obviously, we love Venom for a reason… all those things you love about the character are going to be there, but how the story plays out, who is Venom, you'll have to play the game to see."
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