The M60 machine gun uses the same reload animation as the AK47, however it can't be seen during regular gameplay due to the M60's limited ammo.

Due to the amount of witches in Hard Rain, it can be inferred that witches are drawn to sugar. Players may expect 3 to 5 witches in The Sugar Mill level alone, but up to 20 can spawn normally, often in areas where you can't avoid them.
The Chainsaw can kill every infected (except the Tank) in 3 seconds.
Due to censorship laws in Germany and Australia, some weapons were changed to Counter Strike: Source weapons instead. All of the weapons can be accessed using console commands in the other localized releases, with the exclusion of the Combat Knife, which can only be accessed in the German and Australian releases.
DLC based on the horror movie The Cabin in the Woods was once in development. However, when the movie studio MGM filed for bankruptcy in 2010, the content was delayed and ultimately scrapped.
During development, The Park was conceived as a procedurally generated maze. However, in testing, this was found to be too distracting from gameplay and difficult for players who often got lost in the area. However, the concept was salvaged in the The Cemetery wherein The Director chooses from four alternative layouts and navigation pathways.
In the commentary for Left 4 Dead 2, the developers stated that Nick's character was originally an escaped prisoner who stole a nice suit, but he was eventually adapted into his current con man persona. Nick is the only playable Survivor who retained his appearance from either beta screenshots or trailers out of all of the playable Survivors.
Most of the graffiti in the bar references other zombie games and movies:
• Dead Rising - "Otis, out of film. No helicopters. Zombies too fast. Not going to make it. -Frank West"
• Plants vs. Zombies - "Need an M60? Come see me! -Crazy Dave"
• 28 Days Later - "Repent! The end is extremely fucking nigh."
• Shaun of the Dead - "Ed is king of the zombies."
• Dawn of the Dead (1978) - "Roger, went to the mall, Francine."
• Dawn of the Dead (2004) - "Went to save my dog. If not back in 15 minutes, drop everything and come save me. -Nicole"
• Venture Bros - "Hey MOL. Meet me in town we'll have some fun! -Brock"
• Dead Rising - "Otis, out of film. No helicopters. Zombies too fast. Not going to make it. -Frank West"
• Plants vs. Zombies - "Need an M60? Come see me! -Crazy Dave"
• 28 Days Later - "Repent! The end is extremely fucking nigh."
• Shaun of the Dead - "Ed is king of the zombies."
• Dawn of the Dead (1978) - "Roger, went to the mall, Francine."
• Dawn of the Dead (2004) - "Went to save my dog. If not back in 15 minutes, drop everything and come save me. -Nicole"
• Venture Bros - "Hey MOL. Meet me in town we'll have some fun! -Brock"
The game was originally supposed to include a female DMV worker and a male firefighter but both were removed before the final version.
The Heavy Machine Gun was originally going to have limited ammo, but this limitation was given to the portable M60 machine gun instead.
A Special Infected called "The Leaker" was being developed. It had similar attacks as the Spitter and Boomer, and the ability to plant itself in the ground and act as a mine bomb. It was removed because the Survivors could run away from it, as the Leaker would alert the Survivors that it was planting itself.
However, it is still possible to play as The Leaker with console commands by using "Map MAPNAME Versus", then typing in console "Boomer_Leaker_Chance" and a number between 0 and 1. You will know when you are a leaker if it says "You are a/the Leaker!", or you explode on death and cause a small fire.
However, it is still possible to play as The Leaker with console commands by using "Map MAPNAME Versus", then typing in console "Boomer_Leaker_Chance" and a number between 0 and 1. You will know when you are a leaker if it says "You are a/the Leaker!", or you explode on death and cause a small fire.


If you go up to any jukebox in the game, you have a random chance of getting one of five songs. One of these songs is "Still Alive" from Portal.
When Left 4 Dead 2 was announced at E3 2009, fan outcry against the game developed into a petition led by two people. Valve responded by inviting the starters of the petition over to their headquarters to get a first-hand look at Left 4 Dead 2. Both founders were impressed and shut down the boycott one month later.

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