The language select screen in It's Mr. Pants has a bug that makes the sound clips played for each language overlap when they are being selected. Paul Machacek, a designer for the game, says that when QA testers approached the development team with this bug, they overruled it because they felt it was funnier than they intended it to be, keeping it in the final release.
subdirectory_arrow_right Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (Game)
In the level, "LOGBOX 720" from Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, the player can find a giant It's Mr.Pants Xbox disc, however, the game was only released on the Game Boy Advance. Many websites assumed this was a hint that an Xbox Live Port was planned, but Rareware responded by saying, "Our website mascot that somehow managed to get his own game. It's highly doubtful he'll get another."
Before choosing to base the game on Rare's mascot, Mr. Pants, other titles considered for the game were Splodge, Nutcracker, Animal Crackers and Sunflower.
The game was originally intended to have a multi-player mode with up to 4 players via a link cable, however the feature was dropped and the game became only single-player.

It's Mr. Pants along with other Microsoft games were being developed for the Gizmondo handheld console, however they were canceled most likely due to the platform's commercial failure.
The "Crayon Snake" in marathon mode was originally intended to be called the "Trouser Snake", however the game's publisher, THQ, had requested for the name to be changed. This was possibly due to the sexual innuendo associated with the term.
subdirectory_arrow_right Donkey Kong: Coconut Crackers (Game)
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