Ice Climber
Ice Climber
January 30, 1985
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Vs. Ice Climber and its NES port were the first games that programmer Kazuaki Morita worked on at Nintendo. In a 2006 interview, he said that he considered the game to be a "warm-up on the NES" prior to working on Super Mario Bros.
subdirectory_arrow_right Baseball (Game), Hogan's Alley (Game), Pinball (Game), Golf (Game), Excitebike (Game), 10-Yard Fight (Game), Kung Fu (Game), Clu Clu Land (Game), Gyromite (Game), Duck Hunt (Game), Wild Gunman (Game), Wrecking Crew (Game), Tennis (Game), Stack-up (Game), Family Computer (Platform), Nintendo Entertainment System (Platform)
Multiple early "black box" NES releases' cartridges produced during the console's US launch in Winter 1985 didn't use NES ROM chips, but rather Famicom ROM chips with a built-in converter. The 15 NES launch titles, and the only games known to have these chips, are:

10-Yard Fight
Clu Clu Land
Duck Hunt
Hogan's Alley
Ice Climber
Kung Fu
Wild Gunman
Wrecking Crew

All of these games would eventually be reprinted with regular NES chips.
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Attachment In the Japanese version, one of the enemies are Seals. This enemy was changed into the yeti-like Topis in the international releases to remove any reference to the act of clubbing seals.

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