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There are several characters and references to Capcom's Street Fighter series through the game, such as:
• Harvey Birdman accidentally lights Guile's hair on fire.
• A magazine can be seen with the name "P. Cock" on the front, possibly referencing T. Hawk.
• Dhalsim appears when Harvey proclaims that his desk is missing because the office is "going zen".
• Zangief appears after Harvey proclaims that Dum Dum is offering an evil scheme.
• Ryu's portrait appears on Peanut's fake ID, with the name Nobuyuki Johnson.
• Chun Li appears as a guest at Harvey's retirement party.
• Street Fighter III appears as a SNES cartridge, as an icon on Harvey's computer desktop, and as an Arcade machine.
• Harvey Birdman accidentally lights Guile's hair on fire.
• A magazine can be seen with the name "P. Cock" on the front, possibly referencing T. Hawk.
• Dhalsim appears when Harvey proclaims that his desk is missing because the office is "going zen".
• Zangief appears after Harvey proclaims that Dum Dum is offering an evil scheme.
• Ryu's portrait appears on Peanut's fake ID, with the name Nobuyuki Johnson.
• Chun Li appears as a guest at Harvey's retirement party.
• Street Fighter III appears as a SNES cartridge, as an icon on Harvey's computer desktop, and as an Arcade machine.
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