Frank Sahwit, the culprit of "The First Turnabout" (the first episode of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney), plays a major role in the game's second episode The Captive Turnabout. This is notable in that it suggests that not everybody convicted of homicide is given either a life sentence or the death penalty in the Ace Attorney series, as it's implied that he would have been eligible for parole after the events of the case had he not Spoiler:served as Fifi Laguarde's accomplice in the murder of Bronco Knight. This is consistent with real life, as Frank had committed a second-degree murder (a murder which occurs in the spur of the moment) rather than a first-degree murder (which are premeditated). Additionally, given the short amount of time he had served prior to his near-parole (around two years and nine months), it's possible that Sahwit had been convicted of a lesser crime such as manslaughter since the first game did not indicate that he had actively intended to murder Cindy Stone.
Episode 2 Gameplay:
Difference Between First and Second Degree Murder:
Difference Between Second-Degree Murder and Manslaughter:
Difference Between First and Second Degree Murder:
Difference Between Second-Degree Murder and Manslaughter:
An early idea for the game involved Eustace Winner bringing out a stand for Verity Gavèlle to bang her gavel on. This did not make it into the final game, with Verity instead banging her gavel on the floor.

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