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A functional Tear Gas weapon exists in the game, but it normally goes unused. It can be acquired with trainers.
The title of the mission Crazy '69' refers to the film Kill Bill, where the main character, played by Uma Thurman, fights a group of Yakuza gangsters known as The Crazy 88. She uses a katana, just like Toni.
Toni Cipriani was likely made in homage to Tony Soprano, the main character of the American television drama The Sopranos. Aside from their names, both characters also share ongoing problems with their mothers, who also ordered hits on them.
The PSG-1 reuses a beta model of the weapon found in the files of the PS2 version of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
There is unused text which states "ENGLISH.gxt/TURPASS/~W~Massacre Passed!"
"Massacre" was most likely an early name for the Rampages, although it's possible they were something else.
"Massacre" was most likely an early name for the Rampages, although it's possible they were something else.

The name of the mission, The Guns of Leone, is likely a play on the film ''The Guns of Navarone''.
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In the PSP version of the game, if the player continues the side mission, Car Salesman, after level 6 and reaches level 9, a snowy weather effect starts to appear and continues appearing in further levels. This is possibly there to make driving more difficult. The snow disappears if the player fails or cancels the mission, and Car Salesman cannot be played again afterwards, so you can only see this once. This weather effect does not appear in the PS2 version of the game.
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