The mission "Weekend at Florian's" is a reference to the comedy movie "Weekend at Bernie's". Not only is the name similar, but during the mission, Florian insists that he has changed his name to Bernie.
Triads can be heard to say "My cousin owns a casino in Las Venturas; maybe we should go sometime", which is likely a reference to Wu Zi Mu and his casino in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Niko is referenced in an episode of the TV series "Criminal Minds". In the episode, a criminal states that his name is "Niko Bellic" in his personal information. An agent catches on, and tells his superiors: "Niko Bellic is the name of the main character of Grand Theft Auto IV."

In the mission "Three Leaf Clover", it is possible to kill Luis before escaping the bank, which would logically make the events in The Ballad of Gay Tony impossible, as in the mission "Not So Fast", Luis ambushes the diamond exchange. Moreover, the player receives no penalty for killing Luis, unlike most other missions where it is possible to kill other playable characters.
In the DLC, The Ballad of Gay Tony, Yusuf claims that the Gold SMG is solid gold, but this would make the gun very heavy, and gold would be too soft for the internal workings of the gun.
There were plans to include a Silenced 9mm Pistol in the game, but it was cut from the final build.
In The Ballad of Gay Tony, the ejection port on the Automatic Shotgun is on the wrong side in the HUD icon.
Despite the fact that the player gets a Combat Shotgun upon entrance in an LCPD or NOOSE vehicle, the LCPD and NOOSE officers use Pump Shotguns, with the exception of the mission The Snow Storm.
The Assault Shotgun is based on the Cobray Street Sweeper. When it is being reloaded, Johnny or the multiplayer character will be seen removing the magazine. In reality, the Cobray Street Sweeper's magazine is fixed to the gun and each shell must be loaded individually into it.
The bullet casings of the Assault SMG do not fall out from under the grip of the gun like its real life equivalent, the Belgian FN P90. Instead, they fly out of an invisible ejection port on the right of the gun.
Songs from a couple of radio stations in Liberty City Stories also appear in Grand Theft Auto IV in the form of ringtones. Six ringtones originate from the Lips 106 radio station, and three are from the Head Radio station.
In the Underground Cage Fighting minigame in the downloadable DLC, The Ballad of Gay Tony, spectators can be heard saying, "Sweep the leg, Johnny!" This is a reference to the movie, "The Karate Kid."
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