If the player is on a mission with Little Jacob and both get into a convertable car while Jacob is smoking, a glitch will occur where Jacob jumps into the car without using his arms.
Both the pump shotgun and sniper rifle fire faster and deal more damage when the player is rapidly switching between the crouching and standing positions.
Originally, TW@ was able to sell food and had a larger selection of staff. Audio associated with this unused feature still exists within the game's files.
According to a website made by prop artist Gill Bertram, there was going to be another accessible bank in Liberty City based on an unnamed New York bank. Additionally, the same website features a screenshot from the beta that shows a slightly different HUD and a different font for the money counter.
A café restaurant called Rockstar Café was cut and was renamed Superstar Café; however, the beta name is still on the employees outfits. More evidence of the original name can be found in the game files.
If the player is driving on the Algonquin Bridge while there is a train underneath it, a glitch will cause the cars to swerve out of the way even though the train is under the road.
Roman Bellic is the only character in the game that speaks to all three protagonists from GTA IV and its DLC's. In GTA IV, he is the deuteragonist to his cousin Niko Bellic. In The Lost and the Damned, he speaks to Johnny when he is kidnapped by him in the mission "Roman's Holiday". Finally, in The Ballad of Gay Tony he interacts with Luis Lopez outside of the entrance to the Maisonette 9 club in the mission "Ladies Half Price".
Spoiler:In the mission "Final Interview", the player goes to a lawyer's office to retrieve some files from a lawyer named Tom Goldberg who complains about how violent video games are corrupting young people, the player must then kill Tom to continue the mission.
This is a reference to now disbarred lawyer, Jack Thompson, who threatened legal action if changes weren't made to the mission. The developers didn't change anything, and Thompson never followed through on his threat.
This is a reference to now disbarred lawyer, Jack Thompson, who threatened legal action if changes weren't made to the mission. The developers didn't change anything, and Thompson never followed through on his threat.
The users "Oscar Wild" and "MALCOLMseX" on love-meet.net are obvious parodies of Oscar Wilde and Malcolm X, respectively.
There is leftover text which suggests that during "Bull in a China Shop" Niko was supposed to beat up the shop owner's son. The son does not appear in the final game at all.
The game files suggest that at one point during development Niko was supposed to drive to a food vendor during "The Cousins Bellic".
During The Ballad of Gay Tony's mission "In the Crosshairs", the building that Luis was on was supposed to catch fire, leaving him to find another way to escape. There are still text strings that reveal this.
The game has two unused maps in its files. One is called TestCJ, and the other is called AnimTest. Many of the shows in game are filmed in special areas in TestCJ, and an unused pedestrian can spawn there.
In 2010, a lawsuit was filed by Brazilian composer Hamilton Lourenço da Silva with the Civil Court in Barueri against Rockstar Games and Synergex Brazil to restrict trading and distributing of Episodes From Liberty City in Brazil, and Worldwide, due to the song "Conga Kid", which is featured in The Ballad of Gay Tony, having sampled from his song "Bota o Dedinho pro Alto" without his permission. The injunction stated that a fine of R $5,000 (US $3,000) would be issued for each day the expansion was continued to be sold.
In The Lost and Damned, there was originally a skate park, but it was cut. You would not use a skateboard, but instead a motorcycle. There are still files hinting at its existence.
In The Ballad of Gay Tony, there was going to be a completely new vehicle introduced, the Robin, before it was scrapped. The only existence left of it is some handling files.
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