In The Ballad of Gay Tony DLC mission, "Caught With Your Pants Down", Luis was originally supposed to meet Yusuf in Westminster to pick up his Buckingham Swift helicopter. In the final game, Luis meets Yusuf at Star Junction, and he already has the helicopter.

The Cutting Room Floor article:
Grand Theft Auto IV first trailer:
Grand Theft Auto IV first trailer:
An update released three days before the game's 10th anniversary on April 26th, 2018 added new songs to radio stations, while simultaneously removing songs due to licensing-expiration issues. Among the many song replacements, the Electro-Choc, Fusion, JNR, Massive B, and Tuff Gong radio stations remained untouched, while almost every song featured in the Vladivostok FM station was cut and replaced with new songs with one exception, "Liberty City: The Invasion" by Seryoga, an original song written for the game's soundtrack. These changes also carried over to the Episodes from Liberty City DLC expansions.
There are unused strings of text in The Lost And Damned referencing a cut mission for Stubbs. In the mission, Johnny had to blow up a truck with a bike armed with a bomb that would arm itself at 88mph, but would explode if your speed dropped below 88mph.
The mission may be a reference to the movie "Speed", which features a bus armed with a bomb that detonates if dropping to a certain speed. A mission with a similar concept was present in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
The mission may be a reference to the movie "Speed", which features a bus armed with a bomb that detonates if dropping to a certain speed. A mission with a similar concept was present in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
The Australian console versions of the game originally censored many features, including shortening prostitute pickups and removing the animations, as well as removing any blood from shooting NPCs, or the player being damaged. These changes were reversed after the PC version was released.
There's a glitch at the Windmill Street Station's southern platform. If the player hits a pedestrian and tumbles into either side of the stair barrier, said pedestrian will begin to start twitching and contorting violently.
Companion characters have no crash animation for when they are talking on the phone.
If you stay still on the step 2 of the Higgins Helitours Heliport's ladder and the NPCs try to climb up, a glitch will happen where said NPC will be sent flying away.
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In the 2009 edition of The Guinness Book of World Records: Gamer's Edition, Grand Theft Auto IV is credited as the "Largest Voice Cast in a Video Game" with 861 voice actors: 174 individuals voicing the main cast and voice-overs and the remaining 687 were mostly volunteers who wanted to be part of the game in some way.
There were two cut random character missions in The Ballad of Gay Tony. They both involved Luis running into ex-girlfriends. One mission has Luis taking the ex-girlfriend home and defending himself from her brothers, while the other involved the ex planting a bomb in Luis' car. It is unclear if these missions involved the same girlfriend, or two different ones.
The Rhino was originally going to appear in the game, but it was cut. There are still lines of code within The Lost and Damned files that show this.
Spoiler:After finishing the mission Undertaker, the player finds themselves in front of the grave of the McrReary brother they killed on the previous mission, "Blood Brothers". If the player killed Derrick McReary the they can walk through his gravestone; however, the same doesn't happen with Francis's gravestone, which is solid.
If the player changes the theme background of their cellphone, the background of NPC cellphones will change as well.
If the player selects the Uzi while inside a car and then uses the advanced weapons cheat code, Luis will be equipped with the Assault SMG inside the car. Because this was not originally intended, firing the weapon will cause a glitched animation.
Johnny holds the automatic 9mm upside down while shooting from a car.
If the players spawns a cab inside a safehouse with the use of a trainer, then proceeds to enter the cab a select a destination, the destination will also appear on the TV screen.
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If the player gets a wanted level of 1 or 2 stars while driving on the bridge while an Annihilator Helicopter is flying nearby, it show up as a police helicopter on the radar.
If the player kills a gun store owner and comes back to the same store later, the new gun store owner will try to kill them. If there isn't a new attend three other gun store owners from different stores will appear and attack the player; sometimes this happens right after killing a gun store owner.
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