If you equip the Halo Z-Item to Goku, Vegeta, or Gogeta, their model in game will have a halo added. This is the only equippable item that has an effect on the character's appearance.

Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb2jI1JyGz8#t=301
Know Your Meme article: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/peanut-butter-jelly-time
Know Your Meme article: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/peanut-butter-jelly-time

During the "The Cell Games Begin" match in Dragon History mode, the subtitle for Cell's line "why don't you pop one of those Senzu beans" mistakenly omits the "s" in "beans".
Through the use of a glitch involving Broly with the "Secret Measures" potara equipped, it's possible to get inside of the Kame House without destroying it.
Whenever a Great Ape throws a rock, it is spelled "Gigant" instead of "Gigantic".
In "Dragon History", the game's story mode, during the fight with Nam, Mr. Satan/Hercule is shown on the signs and blimps even though he is not the champion at that point in the story. This can be attributed to the stage being more or less the same throughout the series, so making a whole new stage without Mr. Satan/Hercule just for this scenario would be wasteful.
When Goku (GT) uses the Solar Flare attack, he says "Taiyoken", the Japanese name for the attack.
While waiting on the menu screen of the story mode, various characters such as Piccolo and Krillin will occasionally appear and engage in conversation with Goku.
Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4)'s Character Introduction reads "He is a warrior without peer, and demonstrates this by performing this by performing his ultimate move the "Big Bang Kamehameha", repeating the "this by performing".
When Goku (Mid) uses the 20x Kaio-ken Kamehameha, the technique's name appears spelled "20x Kaiken Kamehameha" on the screen.
When on the character selection, Vegito is spelled with an "I", but on the transformation options for Vegeta (Second Form) and Goku (End), it is spelled "Vegeto".
When GT Kid Goku turns Super Saiyan 4 against Nuova Shenron in Story Mode, Goku's voice will still be a kid during the in-game cutscene.
Majin Buu's Character Introduction reads "In Dragon Ball GT, Buu fights against" - and ends there, leaving out the remainder of the information.
In "Destined Battle: Goku vs. Vegeta", the first level of the Majin Buu Saga, the word "purposely" is misspelled "puroposely" in the description.
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