The game's title screen changes depending on how far the player has progressed into the Story Mode, with the game having up to three different title screens.
The main menu icon for Duel shows Vegeta in his Majin Buu saga outfit fighting Goku. This is odd as this game only covers the events of Dragon Ball Z from the Saiyan Saga to the end of the Cell Saga nor are these clothes an alternate costume for him.
By pausing the game right before an ability hits the opponent, the move will deal increased damage.
In the first scene from the level "Show Gohan's True Power", Great Ape Vegeta is crushing Goku then says "That power level...where?". This is inconsistent with the anime, as Vegeta did not learn to sense power levels until the Namek Saga.
The Kamehameha attack is yellow for everyone except for Cell, while in the anime, it is blue. However, in the colored pages of the manga, the Kamehameha is generally yellow.

During the story mode's cutscenes inside Kame House, a book on Master Roshi's table has a blurred image of the cover for the first Dragon Ball manga volume.
In the European release, many of the cutscenes which contained blood were either blacked out or made to look like the wound was dirty instead of bloody. However, the scene of Captain Ginyu pushing his hand into his chest was not censored, most likely due to his blood being purple.
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