In the game there is unused audio of Spoiler:Demigra in both of his forms having special interactions with the other playable characters of the game. Both forms are also fully playable with the use of hacking.
Spoiler:Defeating Demigra in the final battle before Goku arrives will reward the player with an alternate ending in which the player character defeats Demigra alone using power from the other Z Fighters.
During the cutscene following the final battle, the Japanese voice cast's laughs are still heard even with English audio enabled.
Some custom characters, when using Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, will say "I ain't afraid of no ghost", a reference to The Ghostbusters.
The Full Super Power! achievement is earned for collecting all ultimate attacks.
The Full Ultimate Power! achievement is earned for collecting all super attacks.
It is unclear if this is a mistake or a coincidence.
The Full Ultimate Power! achievement is earned for collecting all super attacks.
It is unclear if this is a mistake or a coincidence.
Jeice has a technique called the "Sauzer Blade". This attack comes from Salza, who does not appear in the game.
Yamcha's "Fake Death" technique and the "play dead" emote use the same pose as Yamcha did in Dragon Ball Z when he was killed by a Saibaman.
Dragon Ball XenoVerse's acronym is XV. This is the Roman numeral for 15. Xenoverse is the 15th Dragon Ball game developed since Budokai, which was also developed by Dimps.
The characters Mira, Towa, Time Patrol Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time, as well as female Majins, first appeared in the now defunct MMO Dragon Ball Online which was only available in South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
The parallel quest, "Super Saiyan Legend", is a reference to the Super Famicom game of the same name. It also includes that game's hidden boss battle with Vegeta at the end. During the quest, if the player allows Frieza to kill Krillin and then defeats him while keeping Vegeta alive, Vegeta will then become a Super Saiyan and attack the player.
There are two accessories in-game which originate from Dr. Slump's Arale; Arale's hat, and her "poop stick." Dr. Slump is another series created by Akira Toriyama.
Cell uses the term Frost Demons to refer to those of Frieza's race. This is a term that originated from the fan comic, Dragon Ball Multiverse.
When fighting a super saiyan 4 version of Vegeta or Goku, many characters will refer to them as if they were normal super saiyans.
The male custom character voice #8 is provided by Curtis Arnott, the voice actor of Nappa in the Dragon Ball Z fan series, "DragonBall Z Abridged" created by Team Four Star. This voice will also parody a number of the attack names that can be used.
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