There are several unused intro, victory, and defeated animations within the game files.
According to the game's artist, Yutaka Saito, Mila was created with the theme of "a girl who would appear in a sports anime or TV drama".
So we looked at lots of material of female athletes, and there was one that was very attractive/interesting to us. It was a blonde model who was profusely sweating while properly boxing, there were two pictures where afterward she took off her gloves, dangled them over her shoulder and smiled like "See you again tomorrow". When I saw them I thought "That's it!". Maybe you'd call it on/off? [referring to being on: training earnestly and off: smiling afterwards] When in the gym or the ring, it's all about winning, about becoming stronger. But once she leaves the ring, she returns to being a cute girl. This duality is what really enamored me. I think that Mira is a character who has that duality.
So we looked at lots of material of female athletes, and there was one that was very attractive/interesting to us. It was a blonde model who was profusely sweating while properly boxing, there were two pictures where afterward she took off her gloves, dangled them over her shoulder and smiled like "See you again tomorrow". When I saw them I thought "That's it!". Maybe you'd call it on/off? [referring to being on: training earnestly and off: smiling afterwards] When in the gym or the ring, it's all about winning, about becoming stronger. But once she leaves the ring, she returns to being a cute girl. This duality is what really enamored me. I think that Mira is a character who has that duality.
Critical Bursts were not originally going to be featured in the game. The staff did not see them as a priority at the time and did not add them to the demo. However, the game's director, Yohei Shinbori, thought they were an interesting idea and added the mechanic into the game's E3 playable build. After receiving positive feedback, an improved version of Critical Bursts became part of the final product.
Originally in the game's demo, Power Blows could be executed multiple times in a match. Since it was too easy to hit the opponent with Power Blows, they were limited to once per round in the final game.
After Kokoro's fight with Akira, Zack comments: "10 years huh? Time sure does fly.". This is a reference to Akira's iconic win quote "Juunen hayaindayo!" ("You're 10 years too early!") from Virtua Fighter.
The fight sequence between Brad and Eliot is a reference to the training scenes from the Jackie Chan film Fearless Hyena.

Team Ninja president Yosuke Hayashi stated in a 2012 interview that they took inspiration from the Uncharted series for the creation of the more interactive and destructible stages and the dramatic Cliffhanger events.
"We also wanted to hint at that flow you get into in Uncharted, where you know that something massive is about to happen. In Uncharted you fall off a cliff, or off a boat and things like that, and we thought moments like that would be great in DOA5's fighting system."

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