There are unused voice lines within the game's files for male V that pertain to the Judy romance, which are normally exclusive to female V. According to CD Projekt Red, this is because all of V's dialogue, regardless of whether it was intended for male or female V, was recorded by both voice actors to "avoid missing something by mistake that would require future recordings."
If the players moves their mouse over to the game's current version number in the top right corner of the main menu and click on it, the numbers begin to shift around until they read "2.0.77", as a nod to the game's title.
Attachment Located on the rooftop of Tom's Diner (over at Bradbury & Buran) is a pair of binoculars. If the players uses the binoculars to look up to the left, they'll find graffiti of the Northern cardinal bird that's used in CD Projekt RED's logo. After waiting a few moments, the vision in the binoculars will glitch and shift to show a picture of the game's dev team superimposed over the screen. According to global community director Marcin Momot and senior PR manager Marta Piwońska, this picture was taken at an annual company picnic on CD Projekt RED's 20th anniversary in 2022.
person ZpaceJ0ck0 calendar_month March 14, 2024
A multiplayer mode was considered, but was quickly scrapped due to the game's development and imminent release becoming more tumultuous, and the developers needing to focus their game-making priorities elsewhere.
Attachment By completing the side job "I Fought the Law", you will eventually gain access to another side job called "The Hunt". During the mission, you break into the NCPD Lab. In one room featuring two white robotic arms, a BB Unit from the game Death Stranding can be found in a container which can be scanned. The function of the container is to simulate conditions in the uterus for the intended purpose of maintaining the life of the BB and detecting BT's.
Attachment Near the start of the mission "The Heist", you follow Jackie around the premises of Konpeki Plaza. Eventually, Jackie will offer to either continue looking around the plaza or to go straight to their hotel room. If you choose to stay and look around some more, in the large sitting area to the right of the bar, a man named Hideyoshi Oshima can be found chatting with two other guests. Oshima's physical appearance is modeled after video game developer Hideo Kojima.
A fan mod for the game which allowed players to have sex with the character Johnny Silverhand, played by actor Keanu Reeves, was taken down at the request of the game's developer CD Projekt Red as they considered it to be potentially harmful towards those who had lent their likeness.

Despite this, at a promotion for the film The Matrix Awakens, when Reeves was told about it by the Verge, he expressed his pleasure for it.
Attachment If the player goes to the bathroom in V’s homestead, three seashells can be found on a ledge by the toilet. This is a reference to the 1993 film "Demolition Man", where in John's bathroom, there are three seashells next to the toilet that replaced toilet paper in the future, yet the film never reveals how they work.

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