The boss battle background from Fight Night with Flibby is different between the PlayStation and Saturn versions. In the PlayStation version the background is the same as the rest of the level. In the Saturn version, the castle background from the later levels can be seen.
In some PAL copies of the Sega Saturn version, Croc's head (and some enemies) will be invisible if the game is started immediately.
The game started out as a prototype for a new 3D Mario game in which the player played as Yoshi.
"The end came when we pitched to do a 3D platform game, the likes of which had never been done before. We mocked up a prototype using Yoshi. It was essentially the world's first 3D platform game and was obviously a big risk. [...] Nintendo had never let an outside company use their characters before, and weren't about to, either. This is the moment the deal fell apart. We later made that game into Croc: Legend of the Gobbos for the PlayStation, Saturn and PC, which became our biggest ever game in terms of sales and also in royalties, since we owned the IP."

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