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The Japanese version of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped has five short full motion videos not present in other releases of the game, four of which are unlocked upon beating the game. Three of the videos are CG animations showing Crash dancing at a concert, Crash and Coco spending a day at the beach, and Cortex in a war room trying to strategize against and eventually getting defeated by Crash. The fourth video, dated to December 18, 1998, shows a Japanese carpenter making a wood-carved replica of Aku Aku and shipping it to Toad Village, the first level of the game, to show where all of the spare Aku Aku masks Crash collects as health during the game come from. The fifth video, unlocked by holding Down, Triangle, L1 and R2 during the PlayStation start-up screen, is a short documentary on Australian wildlife featuring an actor in a large Crash Bandicoot costume observing and interacting with different animals.
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