subdirectory_arrow_right 7 Up (Franchise)

One known "winner" of the contest years after the fact was YouTuber Jirard Khalil "The Completionist", who reviewed the game and instead of sending his screen to the now-defunct Virgin Games, he decided to tweet it out to 7 Up's official Twitter account in 2014. This caught their attention for being "crazy, old school and incredible", resulting in them messaging him and asking for his address to send him a prize. The following week, a bizarre PR stunt took place where two "7 Up Women" arrived at The Completionist's offices, bringing with them a pallet of assorted 7 Up, Diet 7 Up, Cherry 7 Up, Sunkist and Snapple drinks, as well as free sunglasses and loudspeakers. Khalil described the event: "They had no idea why they were there, I didn't know why they were there, it was an overall weird experience to say the least."
The Completionist - Cool Spot episode:
TV Tropes entry with unproven claim of contest prize:
7 Up tweet:
The Completionist - Rare picture of Jirard, Greg and the 7 Up Women:
TV Tropes entry with unproven claim of contest prize:
7 Up tweet:
The Completionist - Rare picture of Jirard, Greg and the 7 Up Women:
subdirectory_arrow_right Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Game)
There's a hidden credit line in the ROMs of both Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind and the SNES version of Cool Spot which reads:
(C) 1992 Basement Boys Software
Basement Boys Software were a group famous for making hacking tools on the Commodore 64 in the late 80s, who had some members go on to Chip Level Designs, a company that used to provide sound programming for a number of SNES titles.
(C) 1992 Basement Boys Software
Basement Boys Software were a group famous for making hacking tools on the Commodore 64 in the late 80s, who had some members go on to Chip Level Designs, a company that used to provide sound programming for a number of SNES titles.


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