

"As you can see, this is a PlayStation black disk. Cut #1 contains computer data, so please, don't play it. But you probably won't listen to me anyway, will you?"
A similar message from Alucard's Japanese voice actor exists in the Saturn version.
After his message finishes, you'll then be treated to an untitled electronic remix of the "Dracula's Castle" theme.

subdirectory_arrow_right Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (Game)


(Attachment will play both Japanese and English.)
subdirectory_arrow_right Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (Game), Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (Game)
There are a large number of unused dialogue pieces in the Symphony of the Night's data, including what may be an unused ending. Many of these sound files are alternate versions of voices that are already used in the game, but extended or slightly different.
A series of clips can be found in the game's sound files, which seem to be an unfinished ending. It seems to suggest that Maria intervenes in the fight between Alucard and Richter, where she becomes possessed or transformed by Shaft. It includes both winning and losing quotes, and ends with Alucard reflecting on the apparent death of both Richter and Maria. While the PlayStation Portable and Saturn versions allows a fight with Maria, it is not under these circumstances. There are no other suggestions towards this ending, but it is assumed to be an alternate ending during the fight with Richter when not using the glasses.
A series of clips can be found in the game's sound files, which seem to be an unfinished ending. It seems to suggest that Maria intervenes in the fight between Alucard and Richter, where she becomes possessed or transformed by Shaft. It includes both winning and losing quotes, and ends with Alucard reflecting on the apparent death of both Richter and Maria. While the PlayStation Portable and Saturn versions allows a fight with Maria, it is not under these circumstances. There are no other suggestions towards this ending, but it is assumed to be an alternate ending during the fight with Richter when not using the glasses.

"Hi, I'm Joji Yanami. I'm not a young man anymore. I've done this job for a long time. Eyup. I've done a lot of stupid roles. Man, though, this year has been so hot, I could die. It's way too much... I'm an old man, you see. I can't do anything anymore. It's exhausting. Someone save me, please. It's already September. I think something will come of all this, maybe. Old age is old age. Maybe not, though. Yeah. Well, that's all. See you, then."

In the Inverted Castle, the player must unite 5 relics of Dracula in order to unlock the path to Dracula (Those being a Ring, Heart, Rib, Tooth and Eye of Vlad), a concept first utilized in Castlevania 2. All five are guarded by bosses based on the original Castlevania bosses.
In addition, every boss in the Inverted Castle save one are previous bosses and even playable characters in the series. Aside from the aforementioned five, the player meets Galamoth (Kid Dracula), Shaft (Rondo of Blood), the Doppleganger (Castlevania 3), three falsified heroes from Castlevania 3, with whom Alucard himself was a companion, and of course Dracula. The one exception is Beelzebub, whose first appearance was Symphony of the Night.
In addition, every boss in the Inverted Castle save one are previous bosses and even playable characters in the series. Aside from the aforementioned five, the player meets Galamoth (Kid Dracula), Shaft (Rondo of Blood), the Doppleganger (Castlevania 3), three falsified heroes from Castlevania 3, with whom Alucard himself was a companion, and of course Dracula. The one exception is Beelzebub, whose first appearance was Symphony of the Night.
In the Spoiler:Reverse Colosseum part of the Upside-Down Castle, there is a boss fight with three ghosts that are named Fake Trevor, Fake Grant and Fake Sypha. These are the doppelgangers of the characters from Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, with whom Alucard teamed up with to defeat Dracula.
One obtainable item that debuted in this game and recurred in subsequent games is the Stone Mask, which is described in-game as being used in Aztec rituals.
This is a reference to the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, in which a Stone Mask, created by the ancient Aztec people and notable for being used to turn recurring series villain Dio Brando into a vampire, was an important relic in Part 1, "Phantom Blood".
This is a reference to the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, in which a Stone Mask, created by the ancient Aztec people and notable for being used to turn recurring series villain Dio Brando into a vampire, was an important relic in Part 1, "Phantom Blood".
There is a confessional booth in the Royal Chapel area, complete with chairs that the player can sit on. If the player sits on the left hand side of the booth, Alucard sits and leans over to the counter, confessing sins. Sitting on the right will cause Alucard to sit normally as if to hear confessions while a female ghost appears, confessing her own sins or attacking Alucard depending on her color.
If a blue robed ghost priest appears, he sits on the right hand side and hears Alucard's confession, before crossing himself and sometimes leaving behind the Grape Juice item. In the Japanese version of the game (as well as all regional releases of the PSP port) the blue ghost speaks a line wherein he allows Alucard rest in said booth and offers a prayer to God.
While the blue ghost says nothing at all in the US and EU Playstation releases, an unused audio file can be found in the data of a perfect English translation of the blue ghost priest's line from the Japanese version.
"Come, son. Rest here. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
If a blue robed ghost priest appears, he sits on the right hand side and hears Alucard's confession, before crossing himself and sometimes leaving behind the Grape Juice item. In the Japanese version of the game (as well as all regional releases of the PSP port) the blue ghost speaks a line wherein he allows Alucard rest in said booth and offers a prayer to God.
While the blue ghost says nothing at all in the US and EU Playstation releases, an unused audio file can be found in the data of a perfect English translation of the blue ghost priest's line from the Japanese version.
"Come, son. Rest here. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

While the US and EU versions do not implement these, there are unused translated versions of Richter, Maria and the Succubus' lines, spoken by their English voice actors.
Maria: "I thought you might be the one. But, I was wrong."
Succubus: "Now, you'll be my own personal slave. Ahahahahahahaha!"
Richter: "Hah, I knew it! Only the Count is a true match for me!" / "More, fight more! My blood is not yet quenched!"

The musical theme that plays during the game's title screen, "Prayer", features the phrase "Key Largo" repeated. This phrase is often used in Catholic Mass, and in Greek means "May your ascension into heaven be blissful." The track's vocals were performed by composer Michiru Yamane's younger sister, who does vocal work for a living.
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