The Chronomage soul allows Soma to briefly stop time. When encountering a Red Minotaur, using the soul to stop time just before the enemy can catch the axe it threw in the air will cause the axe to fall out of bounds during the pause in time. Once time starts again, the Red Minotaur will enter an animation lock and change its AI to be more aggressive, dashing towards Soma to try and uppercut him, featuring unique sprite animations that cannot be seen otherwise.
In an interview with game's producer, Koji Igarashi, found within the game's official Japanese strategy guide, he was asked why he set the game in Japan. He responded:
"Well, I know I keep saying that the protagonist of Aria of Sorrow, Soma Cruz is Japanese, but for the overseas version, we said he was a foreign exchange student living in Japan. That seemed like the best way for westerners to relate to the character, given that Castlevania is very popular in Japan and overseas. That’s why I asked the illustrator Aya Kojima to “draw him like a Japanese person who doesn’t look very Japanese.” And I’ve had people tell me he doesn’t look Japanese to them, so mission accomplished."
A soul called "Cagnazzo" can be obtained that makes a demon appear behind the protagonist and punch wildly whilst shouting "Ora ora ora!". This is likely a reference to Star Platinum, from the manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
The Killer Doll enemy's description appears to be based on Chuckie from the Child's Play movies. It reads, "A figurine possessed by the spirit of a mass murderer", which describes Chuckie in the original Child's Play movie.

The Ancient Belt alludes to the many belts which give the Kamen Riders their powers. Its description explains that it "lends the wearer a positive attitude", a reference to Kamen Rider Kuuga, whose belt, The Arcle, was not only an artifact from an ancient civilization but who is also characterized by his unusually upbeat and optimistic personality. The "Ancient Belt" item's box-like design mirrors Kamen Rider Black's belt, the King Stone. Ironically, neither Kamen Rider Black nor Kamen Rider Kuuga wore scarves, unlike many of the early Riders.

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