Attachment The game takes place in a fictional dystopian version of Amsterdam called New Amsterdam, as the player progresses through the story, the character Oldhead and Coil mentioned the history of Old Amsterdam and the remnants of the location. Oldhead mentions in Mataan that trees used to exist in Old Amsterdam before being extinct, saying "Do you know what a tree is youn'un?! we had tons of them!". In the same area, when the player does Coil's sidequest, one of the messages Coil sends to the player mentions Mataan as a river, implying that the location was at one point a river. As of now, there are 2 hidden locations that could be remnants of Old Amsterdam:

• The first location is in Pyramid Island at the warehouse maze. If the player drops from a certain hole in the maze, they can find the only tree that exists in the game as well as some abandoned buildings.

• The second location is at Versum Hill at Bazaar. Once the player reaches the top and follows a path to a billboard, they can find a vent and enter by sliding into it. The player will then discover an area similar to the concept of the Backrooms (a 2019 creepypasta depicting a seemingly endless maze of empty office rooms, and is associated with liminal spaces), with the layout being a maze structured around an abandoned building. Once the player navigates the area, they can find a coffin in a room with the head of the tomb resembling the mask DJ Cyber wears that originally belonged to Felix. The location of the areas and the character descriptions seems to imply that New Amsterdam is built on Old Amsterdam. It's currently unknown if the tomb is part of an unsolved mystery or simply an Easter egg.
person Elisports calendar_month November 4, 2023
Video that goes in depth about the location of the 2 hidden areas and the lore in the game about Old Amsterdam:

Video showcasing the proper way to access the tomb:
Attachment Early in development, the layout at the top section of Brink Terminal where the secret entrance to the tower is was different compared to the final build of the game. The tower itself was absent and a pond with rails was originally placed at the plaza where the dance pad is set in the final build of the game.
person Elisports calendar_month October 28, 2023
Early trailer footage showing the pond and the tower being absent at the location:

Final build of the game at the same location:
Attachment In early stages of development, the game had a "RUSH" mechanic that would increase based on the amount of tricks the player performs in a combo. It's currently unknown what purpose the "RUSH" served during gameplay.
Attachment During development, the team had multiple graffiti marker designs that would obscure the graffiti art in the game. They were able to make a marker design that would pop in and out of view and use a returning motif during gameplay.
Wola Badiru (also known as Yapico), the voice actor for DJ Cyber, revealed in a tweet that the phrase "HOOOLY" was added near the end of his recording session for the game. He asked the game's director, Dion Koster to add it to "be able to put parts of ourselves in the game... but have it be in tandem with the character."
person Elisports calendar_month October 26, 2023

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