Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity
Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity
August 31, 1995
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On the End Credits screen, entering one of the following four codes without the quotation marks, "BOIDUTS", "YNNIF", "SKCUS", or "NAMTAH", will trigger one of four short videos:

• The first video is a montage of video footage recorded at Viacom New Media featuring the developers playing around during development (including running around outside during a thunderstorm), showing off a production baby, and ending on Butt-Head saying "Dumbass!" while the word is superimposed over a picture of a developer.

• The second video is another montage of videos and pictures recorded during development (including the team going swimming and posing on a couch with Beavis and Butt-Head statues) set to an original rock song written for guitar and sung by one of the developers. Hatman also makes appearances in this video.

• The third video is a montage of video footage recorded during the making of the game's beta, which according to the video was completed on August 25, 1995 at 4:45 in the morning. The video prominently features the developers excitedly screaming "Beta" over and over again, before showing them lying in the hallway of the studio exhausted and ending with the quote "These kids are intense...." on screen.

• The fourth video is a crudely-made CG animation of Hatman floating through space, and is believed to be the earliest instance of the Easter egg made for a game.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month January 9, 2022
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Attachment At the start of the game in the Classroom, select the Foot and use it on the top-left and top-right corners of the door and chalkboard respectively. This will trigger an animation where Beavis and Butt-Head walk to the chalkboard, and Butt-Head draws a picture of Hatman before cutting to the game's ending cutscene.

Hatman's existence in Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity was first revealed in a 1999 Chicago Tribune article on Hatman after Viacom New Media was integrated into Virgin Interactive in 1998, although it would take another 20 years for video footage showing this Easter egg in action to surface online.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month January 9, 2022
Attachment In the Slaughterhouse, selecting the Foot and using it on the bottom-right corner of the top-left beam holding up the building will cause the Foot to flash. Doing the same to the bottom-left corner of the top-right beam and then the bottom pixels of the two hooks on that beam from left to right will cause a short sequence to play out. Beavis will activate the slaughter machine, and a man wearing a cow mask will be killed in the machine instead of a cow. One of the game's developers who revealed the existence of this Easter egg explained that this man was originally a caricature of a recognizable employee at Viacom New Media talking on a cell phone, but another employee suggested the cow mask be added to make the jab less obvious.
Attachment On the Podlink Farm, if you select the Foot and click on a specific spot on the top-left corner of the gate sign, the Foot will briefly flash. Do the same for the bottom-center of the sign and the top of the farm's silo, and a short animation will play of a nuclear missile launching out of the silo. One of the game's developers who revealed the existence of the Easter egg explained it as being a "tiny juvenile rebellion" by Viacom New Media aimed at the Viacom managers they were sometimes at odds with.
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