Bayonetta and Dante from the Devil May Cry series share several quotes. Bayonetta and Dante both say "Let's Rock Baby" in a fashion similar that Dante did in the first Devil May Cry game. They also share the quote "Flock off, Feather face!" both said to a bird like boss.

Claire being Claire Redfield from Resident Evil. Trish being a character in Devil May Cry, Silvia also being a character from Viewtiful Joe and Ammy being short for Amaterasu from Okami.

The accessory Immortal Marionette bears a striking resemblance to the Marionette enemies from the original Devil May Cry. Hideki Kamiya was the director for both Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, so the resemblance is probably intentional.

In the Bayonetta art book, there is a picture of Enzo playing poker with someone while Bayonetta and Rodan are in the background. Enzo's opponent is shown to have lost a sword, two handguns, and a red coat. These are all trademarks relating to Dante. This not only shows that the Enzo that helped Dante was the same Enzo that helped Bayonetta, but successfully connects the Bayonetta series to the Devil May Cry series.

There is an unlockable sword in the game called Pillow Talk. It is the same sword that Ushiwakamaru uses in Okami, and the name "Pillow Talk" is the name of the ending theme of Devil May Cry.



The song that is played for the Lt Col Kilgore Golden LP is Flight of the Valkyries, which was also played during a battle scene in Apocalypse Now.
In many parts of the game, a language is written or spoken that may sound like gibberish, but is actually a language known as Enochian; a forgotten language said to be the language of angels. An Enochian chant is used to summon Infernal Demons and torture attacks by Bayonetta, as well as being spoken by the Angels themselves.
Sapientia's legs have angelic text on them that, when translated, reads "SEGA Mark lll" which is the original Japanese version of the Sega Master System. Upon further inspection, the writing on Sapientia's head translates to "SG-1000000", which is a theoretical follow-up to the SG-1000 (Sega Game 1000) made up by Hideki Kamiya, the game's director.
Of the many Infernal Demons that can be summoned by Bayonetta during a Climax Attack, the Little Devils are an obscure reference to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, more specifically Guido Mista's Sex Pistols. Director Hideki Kamiya has mentioned during a commentary that, much like Sex Pistols, each of the five devils have their own personality, and have a number written on their foreheads, with the #4 missing as it may be considered very unlucky by Zero, the King of the Little Devils.



One of Bayonetta's attacks is a reference to Akira from Virtua Fighter, where she performs his Tetsuzankou (Bodycheck) and says his signature victory quote "Juunen hayaindayo!" ("You're 10 years too early!").
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