Franchise: VeggieTales
Viewing Single Trivia
subdirectory_arrow_right VeggieTales: Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes (Game)
This game marked the first appearance of "Minnesota Cuke" in the VeggieTales franchise, predating his appearance on the VeggieTales TV show (in the episode "Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush") by at least half a year.
Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes release date:
Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush release date:
Note: There seems to be some debate on when exactly Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes came out. Some sites claim it was in 2003, but others claim it was in 2004. Either way, it definitely came out before the episode, which was released in 2005.
Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush release date:
Note: There seems to be some debate on when exactly Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes came out. Some sites claim it was in 2003, but others claim it was in 2004. Either way, it definitely came out before the episode, which was released in 2005.
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