Franchise: Street Fighter
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Namco X Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter x All Capcom
Super Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter X Tekken
Street Fighter II: Champion Edition
Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000
Street Fighter II
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Street Fighter EX2
Street Fighter EX
Street Fighter 6
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Street Fighter
Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
Street Fighter
SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Capcom Fighting Collection
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Street Fighter: The Movie
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
Street Fighter III: New Generation
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting
Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001
Street Fighter X Mega Man
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Project X Zone 2
Street Fighter V
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Project X Zone
Street Fighter EX3

Street Fighter 6 character art leak with Saudi Arabian flag:
Street Fighter Fandom wiki page:
Street Fighter Fandom wiki page:

City Hunter scene:
Archived Street Fighter Miscellany page:
Archived Street Fighter Miscellany page:
At one point around November 2004, Capcom Japan sold the rights of the Street Fighter IP to its American subsidiary Capcom USA. The rights were reacquired by Capcom Japan in April 2021.
According to Capcom Japan translator Tom Shirawa, the reason why Nash's name was changed to Charlie for the international release is because the people at Capcom U.S.A did not like it. Nash wasn't an English name and he's supposed to be a U.S. soldier, so they felt that players could not connect with the character and suggested the name Charlie instead.
Capcom eventually decided to merge the two names into 'Charlie Nash' for Street Fighter IV.
Capcom eventually decided to merge the two names into 'Charlie Nash' for Street Fighter IV.
According to Capcom USA's Product Manager Scott Smith, the reason why Gouki's name was changed to Akuma for the international release of Super Street Fighter II Turbo is because Capcom USA felt there were too many characters whose name had the letter G. Scott Smith, who was tasked with coming up with a new name, chose the name 'Akuma' based on a news story from Japan where people were trying to name their child after the devil but the government wouldn't let them. Mr. Smith looked up devil in Japanese and found the name Akuma.
According to Street Fighter V director Takayuki Nakayama, Ed's name was the result of a mix up from the development staff at the time.
The ending in question is Balrog's ending in Street Fighter IV.
"Oh and I just remembered, the origin of Ed's name," wrote Nakayama. "Our designer had him jotted down in his notes as 'The boy from the ED (ending)', and that got mistaken by someone who read the note as ED being his name. We started thinking 'Hey, that's kinda cool' and decided to use it as his name."
The ending in question is Balrog's ending in Street Fighter IV.
The Four Heavenly Kings of Shadaloo are named after the Buddhist gods of the same name who rule over each cardinal direction: north, south, east, and west.
In a 2019 "ESPN Esports" video/interview between ESPN commentator Arda Ocal & professional boxer Mike Tyson, Ocal asked him about Balrog (who made his first appearance in Street Fighter II under the name M. Bison, but had his name changed to Balrog in the English localization due to the close similarities to "M. Tyson") and if he knew about the game and his influence on Balrog's character design. Tyson responded that he knew nothing about either Street Fighter or Balrog, but that he was honored by Capcom's impersonation of him upon seeing it for the first time.
The game's developers wanted Makoto's moves to be based on 'Ikken Hissatsu': simple, direct, and powerful. They wanted her karate moves to have a more Japanese style, rather than Ryu & Ken's American style of Karate.
On Vega's stage for Street Fighter II, the logo Mesón de la Taberna (Tavern's Inn) appears in the background of the stage. In the remastered version of the stage for Street Fighter V, however, the tavern's name was changed to Mesón de las flores" (Flowers' Inn).
In a interview with 1up, lead director of the original Street Fighter Takashi Nishiyama confirmed that the concept behind the Hadoken technique comes from 1970s anime Space Battleship Yamato, in which the titular battleship has a weapon called the "Hadōhō" (波動砲, "Wave Motion Gun/Surge Cannon"). He also confimed that Ryu's name comes from the first Kanji used for Takashi's name (隆), which can also be read a "Ryu".
Contrary to popular belief, Urien's name is not a mistranslation of the name 'Julien', but rather it's a very obscure Welsh name taken from legends and Arthurian romances. The name means "privileged birth", which correlates directly with his parents being high-ranking members of the Illuminati, as well as his entitled attitude and wish to rule with utter supremacy.
According to the "Street Fighter 2 Complete Guide" book, Guile's all-American image was specifically intended to appeal to American fans. Guile was also designed to be akin to an American version of Ryu & Ken, so a third special similar to the Tatsumaki was considered early in development, but the idea was scrapped.
After the release of Street Fighter 3, Capcom had the idea of introducing Akuma's new super moves for future games in his endings:
• Akuma uses "Kongou Kokuretsuzan" in his Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact ending, becoming one of his Super Arts in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
• The technique "Tenshou Kaireki Jin" was first seen in Akuma's ending in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. It was used to destroy the remains of a sunken liner ship that sat on the ocean floor. It would later became Akuma's second Ultra Combo in Super Street Fighter IV.
• Akuma was first seen using the "Sekia Kuretsuha" move in his Super Street Fighter IV ending. There, he destroyed a forest with it. That same technique became Akuma's first Critical Art in Street Fighter V.
• Akuma uses "Kongou Kokuretsuzan" in his Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact ending, becoming one of his Super Arts in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
• The technique "Tenshou Kaireki Jin" was first seen in Akuma's ending in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. It was used to destroy the remains of a sunken liner ship that sat on the ocean floor. It would later became Akuma's second Ultra Combo in Super Street Fighter IV.
• Akuma was first seen using the "Sekia Kuretsuha" move in his Super Street Fighter IV ending. There, he destroyed a forest with it. That same technique became Akuma's first Critical Art in Street Fighter V.
Because of the success of the Street Fighter II animated movie, Capcom included several details from the film in the storyline of the series and other future games.
• The grass field in Australia where Ryu fights Sagat at the beginning of the movie is the stage for Sagat's final battle against Ryu in the Arcade mode of Street Fighter Alpha 2, complete with lightning in the background.
• While the Monitor Cyborgs have yet to be seen in the main games, their biographies are included in the Japanese Street Fighter V website along with their character artwork.
• Senoh, Bison's mad scientist servant, makes a cameo appearance in Bison's ending in Street Fighter Alpha 2.
• In his battle intros, Zangief appears wearing the red cape he wears when he is first seen in the movie.
• Ken's longer hair, seen in flashbacks in the movie, is the same style in which it appears in the games.
• The idea of Ken giving Ryu a noogie during their special intro also comes from the movie.
• Ryu's red headband is a gift from Ken, shown in Ken's ending in Street Fighter Alpha 2.
• The VTOL jet that Bison used in the movie is seen in many endings in the Alpha series. It is also seen in Bison's stage in Street Fighter Alpha 2.
• In X-Men vs. Street Fighter and later games, Cammy will remove a red cloak at the beginning of each match similar to the one in the movie.
• The grass field in Australia where Ryu fights Sagat at the beginning of the movie is the stage for Sagat's final battle against Ryu in the Arcade mode of Street Fighter Alpha 2, complete with lightning in the background.
• While the Monitor Cyborgs have yet to be seen in the main games, their biographies are included in the Japanese Street Fighter V website along with their character artwork.
• Senoh, Bison's mad scientist servant, makes a cameo appearance in Bison's ending in Street Fighter Alpha 2.
• In his battle intros, Zangief appears wearing the red cape he wears when he is first seen in the movie.
• Ken's longer hair, seen in flashbacks in the movie, is the same style in which it appears in the games.
• The idea of Ken giving Ryu a noogie during their special intro also comes from the movie.
• Ryu's red headband is a gift from Ken, shown in Ken's ending in Street Fighter Alpha 2.
• The VTOL jet that Bison used in the movie is seen in many endings in the Alpha series. It is also seen in Bison's stage in Street Fighter Alpha 2.
• In X-Men vs. Street Fighter and later games, Cammy will remove a red cloak at the beginning of each match similar to the one in the movie.
In character profiles in the Street Fighter series, blood types are listed along with statistics such as height and weight.
Ketsueki-gata, or ABO blood types, are supposedly predictive of personality traits, temperament, and compatibility with others, made popular in the 1970s by author Masahiro Nomi.
Ketsueki-gata, or ABO blood types, are supposedly predictive of personality traits, temperament, and compatibility with others, made popular in the 1970s by author Masahiro Nomi.

The original name later reappeared in the remastered version of the stage for Street Fighter V, but was altered to "Golden Bullion: Shadaloo Hall"; the word "Nugget" was likely changed to "Bullion" as not to step on the toes of a real life casino of the same name, and Akira's nickname was likely changed because he had long since left Capcom to form Arika.


Additionally, during the early development stages of Street Fighter II, Guile's Sonic Boom attack was originally known as "Divine Sandstorm", in reference to the character Wamuu.

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