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subdirectory_arrow_right Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Game), Banjo-Tooie (Game)
The Breegull Bash move in the Japanese versions of Banjo-Tooie and as well as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is called ハリセンカズーイ(Harisen Kazui), which literally translated into English is "Slapping Fan Kazooie". A harisen is a giant paper fan that is typically used as part of a manzai act, where the straight man smacks the funny man in response to their jokes or foolishness. The "Fan" item that appeared in Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl is actually a harisen, and it's even called as such (はりせん) in the Japanese version of those games as well.

It's worth pointing out that in general, the Japanese localizations for the Banjo-Kazooie games seem to exclude any mention of the word "Breegull", the name of Kazooie's species. This is something Masahiro Sakurai made note of when showcasing Banjo & Kazooie's moveset in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month January 10, 2024
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Mr. Sakurai Presents "Banjo & Kazooie":

SSBWiki article on the Fan item:

Article on the harisen:

Japanese article on BK's moveset in Smash:

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