subdirectory_arrow_right Ninjabread Man (Game), Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland (Game), Rock 'n' Roll Adventures (Game), Anubis II (Game)
Ninjabread Man was originally developed to be a re-imagining of the classic Amiga title, Zool. Data Design Interactive had gained the rights to create the title using the Zool license, but after Zool's rights holders were left unimpressed with the work that had been made on the game, the licensing rights were revoked.
Ninjabread Man's reskins, Anubis II, Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland, and Rock 'n' Roll Adventures all appear to be based on different levels from this pitch, as the first Zool featured candy, toy, and music levels, while Zool 2 featured an Egyptian level.
Ninjabread Man's reskins, Anubis II, Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland, and Rock 'n' Roll Adventures all appear to be based on different levels from this pitch, as the first Zool featured candy, toy, and music levels, while Zool 2 featured an Egyptian level.
Article on Ninjabread Man:
Zool stage list:
Egytpian stage in Zool 2:
Zool stage list:
Egytpian stage in Zool 2: