Trivia Browser



Super Mario World
subdirectory_arrow_right Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 (Game)
Attachment In the Japanese version, Yoshi can eat the dolphins. This was removed from the international release. It's thought it was removed because of the different cultural views towards dolphins, or simply to make the level easier to finish, as the dolphins can be used as platforms. This was added back into all versions of the Game Boy Advance version.
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Attachment In the first dungeon, you come across a red-capped mushroom enemy that walks around spraying spores. The enemy is named "Puffstool", and is actually a reference to a boss found in Pikmin also named "Puffstool" who sprays spores to infect Pikmin and turn them against you.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
In the German version, the Snow World is called "Großfrostheim" which translates into "Great Frost Home". This, however, is a reference to the German city "Großostheim", which is where the Nintendo of Europe headquarters are located, and where the game was localized.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Attachment The boss "Polygon Man" was actually the Playstation's original mascot from 1995. He was meant to demonstrate the power of the Playstation, but was dropped shortly after the Playstation was announced.
Pokémon Stadium 2
Attachment Electabuzz mistakenly has six fingers on each hand. This error was carried over from Pokemon Stadium.
Pokémon Stadium
Attachment Electabuzz mistakenly has six fingers on each hand. This error was not corrected in Pokemon Stadium 2.
The New Tetris
Hidden in the code are several rants and pieces of text-art by multiple developers who worked on the game, with one rant by programmer David Pridie, who would leave H20 Entertainment after this game's release to work at The 3DO Company and passed away in 2001. The rants are mainly about the incompetence of his co-workers, and the text art is of several logos, a Canadian flag, a cannabis leaf, and (possibly) some psychoactive psilocybin mushrooms.
Sonic Adventure
Dred Foxx, who voices Parappa in Parappa the Rapper, rapped the lyrics for "Unknown from M.E." (Knuckles' Theme).
Dred Foxx, who voices Parappa, rapped the lyrics for "Unknown from M.E." (Knuckles' Theme) in Sonic Adventure.
Luigi's Mansion
If Luigi confronts King Boo before capturing all of the portrait ghosts, he will say "I will not give up my favorite decoration, I like Mario just where he is." This is a reference to Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. When Han Solo is trapped in carbonite, Jabba the Hutt says: "I will not give up my favorite decoration. I like captain Solo where he is." Both Mario and Solo being sealed away seems to reinforce this connection.
Metal Gear Solid
Attachment When playing on a mono-sound TV, or the audio is set to mono in the settings, calling Colonel Campbell a few times during the Hind battle will cause Snake's team to playfully mock him about not having a stereo TV.
Hitman: Absolution
Attachment The video reveal trailer ends by displaying a barcode. The numbers on the barcode teased a date (June 7th, 2011) when more about the game would be revealed. However, the company who made the trailer seem to have overlooked the barcode itself, as scanning the barcode takes viewers to an Amazon listing for a bag specifically designed to store sex toys.
Sonic Generations
Jaleel White, known for his acting as Steve Urkel in the 90's sitcom "Family Matters", was considered by SEGA to be the voice of Classic Sonic. Jaleel was considered because he had previously voiced Sonic in "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog", "Sonic the Hedgehog" (1993), and "Sonic Underground". Sega ultimately decided against casting Jaleel, resulting in a mute Sonic.
Sonic Adventure 2
Attachment In the City Escape stage, there's a hidden message in one of the posters. "Anti XXXX XX2 Association". Since there is a 2 at the end of the XX, and the number of letters matches up, it was thought to stand for "Anti Sony PS2 Association". At the time, the Dreamcast was being dominated by the PlayStation 2 in sales.
The text was removed from later versions of the game.
Franchise: Spyro the Dragon
Stewart Copeland, drummer of famed rock group "The Police", compased the soundtracks of the first four Spyro the Dragon games. The music for the level "Jacques" in Spyro the Dragon appears on his greatest hits album, "The Stewart Copeland Anthology".
(The music of the level Jacques is titled "Rain".)
Yoshio Sakamoto, co-creator of the Metroid series, has stated that Metroid was influenced by the 1979 sci-fi movie "Alien". This is evident when considering the following:
• Both Metroid and Alien feature a female lead protagonist.
• The Nostromo's computer is referred to as "Mother" and the antagonist of Metroid is Mother Brain.
• The Xenomorph aliens and Metroids both have multiple stages of development, and the first stage of both species latch on to other creatures.
• The boss "Ridley" is likely named after Alien's director Ridley Scott.
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Attachment The character portraits were copied from famous films and icons.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
In Vilemyr Inn, Ivarstead, you'll find a woman by the name of Temba Wide-Arm. Her name is a subtle reference to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode 'Darkmok', in which Picard and his crew encounter a race of aliens called the 'Tamaraians'. At one point, Picard is stuck on a planet's surface. He attempts to make a fire, but fails. A Tamarian named Dathon takes a branch from his own fire and throws it to Picard, saying "Temba, his arms wide", to make it clear the fire was a gift.
Franchise: Wario
It's easy to assume that Wario's name was based on turning the M in Mario's name upside down, but this isn't entirely the case. The Japanese word for 'bad' is 'warui', so Wario is actually a shortened version of 'Warui Mario' (Bad Mario). This is also the case for Waluigi (Bad Luigi), and works even better in Japan, where his name is pronounced 'Waruigi'.
Game Boy Camera
At the time of its release, the Game Boy Camera was the world's smallest digital camera.
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