Trivia Browser



Sonic the Hedgehog: Spinball
The game files include an unused version of the theme for The Machine, during development it shared music with Showdown, and the unused music is from an unfinished prototype.
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun
subdirectory_arrow_right Mega Man Battle Network 4: Blue Moon (Game)
All of the Soul Unisons except for Aqua and Proto Soul have different color sprites for a karma system. However, Soul Unison is disabled when MegaMan is dark, and the light sprites also go unused.
BioShock 2
Attachment There is an unused video in the game's files called "gul_sinc_dies.bik" The video is low quality, silent and looping, implying it was originally meant to played on a monitor in-game. The video shows Sinclair bound to a chair, the title implies he dies soon after. Spoiler:In the final game, Sinclair is transformed into an Alpha Series Big Daddy and dies by your hand. The title also uses the prefix "gul". Oddly, the only other videos with the "gul" prefix are the cutscenes used for the end of the game.
Pokémon Ruby Version
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Sapphire Version (Game)
Attachment Ruby & Sapphire feature various unused music tracks from towns in Gold, Silver and Crystal, along with multiple incomplete versions of the contest music.
SpongeBob's Boating Bash
Attachment Hidden in the file "CutScene.fsb" is an audio file named "Cutscene_test.wav" which contains audio from the Spongebob SquarePants Episode "Life of Crime", the filename suggests it was most likely an audio test.
Grand Theft Auto V
Attachment An early picture of Professor Rashkovsky can be found in the game's files.
Grand Theft Auto V
Attachment An early Rockstar Editor logo can be found in the game's files.
Mafia II
According to leftover text in the games files, it appears that there were originally plans to include some type of fighting club in the game.
Mafia II
The games files include suggestions that a large number of missions went unused. There were also missions that seem to take place during the WWII chapter.
Mafia II
The games files include text referencing multiple endings. During development 2K stated there would be multiple endings, but they were missing from the final version.
Attachment Atari's version of Tetris on the NES featured competitive and co-op 2-player modes, as well as a computer versus mode, all features that were absent from the Nintendo-licensed copies that soon replaced their Atari counterparts.
Street Fighter
Attachment There's unused audio in the game files for a "Fire Kick", along with unused graphics that suggest Ryu and Ken were planned to have a fourth special move.
Attachment Prior to January 20, 2016, there was an unused audio file within the game's named "abc_123_a.ogg". The audio contains several text-to-speech voices warning the player not to spoil the game online. This audio has since been replaced with a different clip laughing at the listener.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
There was originally a final mission planned that was ultimately cut from the game, called Spoiler:Mission 51: Kingdom of the Flies. The mission would have tied the final loose-end of Eli running away with Sahelanthropus alongside the war-children and the remaining English vocal-cord parasite. A new area, an island surrounded by a salt lake located in Central Africa, was planned for the mission as well.
XOF Soldiers and Child Soldiers would be patrolling across the island until Snake finally confronts Eli inside of Sahelanthropus, resulting in a final fight that would end with Sahelanthropus being destroyed. It is revealed that Eli intentionally infected himself with the English vocal-cord parasite that the Floating-Boy gave him, and he is left behind to either take his own life or to die to incoming Napalm strikes on the island. After Snake and Diamond Dogs leave the island, the Floating Boy uses his powers to remove the parasites and takes him off the island.
Only 30% of the cutscenes were ever finished, and footage shows no facial animations on any of the characters. It is unknown how much of the island itself, or the boss fight, were ever completed.
Red Dead Redemption
Attachment The Elegant Suit was originally planned to be worn without a hat, similar to the Gentleman's Attire.
Grand Theft Auto V
According to files in the game, the Gusenberg Sweeper was named the Gusenberg Chopper during development.
World of Warcraft
There is an unfinished instance that lays just north of Stratholme. It can be seen on the world map but is otherwise inaccessible without the use of glitches or exploits. It contains segments of Stratholme that are inaccessible through normal play including an untextured model of Naxxramus.

Through the use of glitches in 5.4.2, it was possible to fall out of the Naxxramas dungeon in Northrend, walk to a glitched instance of Stratholme, past the unused portal in Stratholme to find the unfinished model of Naxxramas.
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
Attachment During development there was originally a Protoss ranged unit referred to as the "Soul Hunter" and then later as the "Purifier". It was canceled because of its heavy anti-zerg focus, and because it was hard to recognize in large battles.
Starcraft: Ghost
subdirectory_arrow_right starcraft (Franchise)
The cancelled "Starcraft: Ghost" game spawned a series of novels based around it, and some of the elements from its story found their way into Starcraft II.
Super Mario Maker
Attachment A large amount of beta graphics for Splatoon can be found buried within the game's files. Both games have a similar build and were most likely in development at the same time, which could explain why they are there.
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