Trivia Browser



Attachment While Ralsei's manual in Chapter 1 is not readable in normal gameplay, unused graphics exist for it in the game's data. This readable version of the manual appears to have been taken out at an earlier point in development, as some of the information included is markedly different from actual gameplay. For instance, the manual describes unique action keys for each character during fighting (the final game uses Z universally), lists an overworld menu button for talking to party members, and describes TP as conserved between battles and restored at save points like HP (the final game converts leftover TP to Dark Dollars after battles).
Attachment Within the game's code is an unused attack for Spoiler:the first fight against Queen in Chapter 2 that summons bouncing trails of spade cards; this attack references the 1990 version of Windows Solitaire, which features a similar "bouncing cards" effect whenever the player wins.
Attachment Chapter 2 contains an unused alternate set of battle sprites for Susie depicting her with her eyes exposed; while her eyes are visible on her overworld sprites, standard gameplay uses the same battle sprites for Susie as Chapter 1, which depict her with her bangs covering her eyes.
Attachment Within the data for Chapters 1 and 2 is an unused weapon item called the Trefoil; hacking it into a Chapter 2 save file and attempting to equip it to Noelle results in her saying "Okay! ...? What do you mean, unused!?"
Mario Paint
Attachment There is a fifth, unused icon for the Coloring Book that resembles a small toy bear. It is unknown what this icon would have done, but as the game's graphics are uncompressed and thus take up a significant portion of the ROM, the developers likely ran out of memory and were forced to scrap it.
Alien vs. Predator
Attachment There are unused Pick-up and HUD graphics for skulls. These were likely to sometimes be dropped by enemies and give bonus points when collected.
The King of Fighters Neowave
Though K9999 isn't playable, the data for his character is still in the arcade version and can be selected using external cheat devices. Here, he uses Kyo's icon on the select screen and Kula's while in battle. In battle, his color palette is bugged but is otherwise fully functional.
Resident Evil
Attachment According to the game's planner Hideki Kamiya in an interview published in the June 1998 issue of The PlayStation (JP) magazine, the pin-up poster in the laboratory originally featured a picture of Chun-Li from the Street Fighter series, but she was ultimately replaced with a different woman due to Kamiya thinking her appearance clashed too much with the world of Resident Evil.
Attachment The game's files contain an early version of the computer lab seen at the end of the game, with a calculator similar in design to Queen in place of a public laptop. As the Cyber World was formed from a Dark Fountain opened in the computer lab, this implies that Queen was originally meant to be themed around calculators rather than computers, as indicated by the red text that sometimes appears on her visor.
Attachment Within the files for Chapter 2 is a fully-written recruit bio for Spoiler:Jevil, the hidden boss of Chapter 1; this cannot normally be accessed even if the player pacifies him in Chapter 1 and imports the resulting save file to Chapter 2.

Curiously, although recruiting enemies requires sparing or pacifying them, Spoiler:Jevil's bio mentions the Devilsknife item earned from defeating him violently, rather than the Jevilstail item earned from pacifying him.
LEGO Rock Raiders
In the Windows version of the game, there is an unused text file with instructions on how to use an in-game level editor. This editor is not present in the final release, presumably having been either a planned feature or an internal tool used to develop the game.
Disney Infinity
Attachment There is an unused model of Dr. Heinz Doofensmirtz found in the game's data, suggesting that he was either intended to be playable or appear as a boss in a scrapped Phineas & Ferb playset.
No More Heroes III
Attachment Goichi Suda has stated in an interview that they had originally developed the entire map as a playable area, but due to processing issues they had to close off large areas of it. He would state that if they ever released DLC for the game, he would like to add these areas back to the game.
No More Heroes III
Attachment Director Goichi Suda has stated in an interview that they had originally planned to have 7 playable characters in the game early in development. This would have included Travis Touchdown, Shinobu Jacobs, Bad Girl, Native Dancer, Notorious, Kamui Uehara, and Midori Midorikawa.

Only Travis Touchdown was playable in the final release. Suda stated that if they were to ever release DLC for the game, Shinobu would be his first pick as a playable character.
Terminator: Resistance
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World of Warcraft
In the Shadowlands expansion, the guards in Oribos use giant, mustached human models underneath their armor.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Likely a leftover feature from debug testing, a code could be activated in earlier versions of the game that can instantly kill the characters by holding ZL/ZR/L/R/X/D-Pad Down for around 5 seconds. It could also be activated in the middle of cutscenes or while talking to NPCs. This code was removed in version 2.1.0 of the game.
Mario Kart 7
Attachment The icon used in the Download Play app when downloading data for the game is a cruder, early version of the icon used for the final game. For unknown reasons, this discrepancy was fixed only in the Chinese release of the game.
Super Mario Bros. 2
In a prototype version of the game, the Underground theme was originally meant to be an updated version of the Underground theme from Super Mario Bros. with added kick percussion, but this was scrapped in the final release. A similar-sounding Underground theme would end up being used in Super Mario Bros. 3.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month October 7, 2021
Super Mario Bros. 2 - Unused Underground theme:

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Underground theme:
ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth
Attachment The design of the Anti-Funk, the final boss of the game, originally resembled the hood of a Ku Klux Klan member. This design made it into early review copies of the game before Sega discovered its existence and rejected it, forcing the developers to change it to a skull just before the game's release. In a 2003 Xbox Nation magazine interview with series creator Greg Johnson, he elaborated on the origin of the design:

"When I was doing it, it was actually an accident. We had done a bunch of designs for the Anti-Funk, and the artist had done this unintentionally. I looked at it and said, “Wow, that’s funny. That looks like a Ku Klux Klan hat.” And then I thought about it for a second and I said, “Well hey, what better villain for these black characters who are spreading the funk than the love and this kind of oblique reference?” Because it wasn’t [obvious]—it was open to interpretation."
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