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True Crime: New York City
Attachment The developers had help from former NYPD officers Bill Clark and Tom Walker to make the game more accurate. Despite this, the game was seen as disrespectful by the rest of the NYPD and was boycotted. This led to the firing of both officers involved with the game, changing the in-game police from the real live NYPD to the PDNY, and including a piece of paper with each copy stating that the NYPD does not endorse the game.
Amazing Island
Attachment On page 10 of the instruction manual is a segment demonstrating how to create a character. The screenshot accompanying this section shows a character being named "Homestar", referencing Homestar Runner, a popular online Flash series.
person Boyobmas calendar_month August 26, 2014
Wario's Woods
Attachment The English instruction booklet for the SNES version of the game uses Birdo's Japanese name 'Catherine'.
Bonanza Bros.
The plotline of Bonanza Bros. varies from region to region:

• In the original Japanese version of the game, Mobo & Robo are thieves who work for personal gain. The opening cutscene begins with them watching what appears to be a news report about Badville's tourism being decreased by criminal behavior, and the image of a shadowy figure on television would be used by other localizations to modify the plot.
• In the European version, Mobo & Robo are thieves called upon by the shadowy figure to counter criminal orgnaisations in Badville with their burglary, with a bail out of prison being offered as a reward. This plot is also used in the microcomputer versions of the game published in the UK by US Gold, however in those it is specified that Mobo and Robo are "reformed villains" utilising their sworn-off skills rather than villains working for a benevolent figure.
• In the American version of the game, the plot is dramatically altered. Mobo & Robo are renamed to Mike & Spike, and are changed to be detectives who are simply retrieving pilfered items without any ill intent beyond desiring a reward from the shadowy figure. The scene of the intro where they sneak past a wanted poster is removed. Despite this, the American box art still portrays the Bonanza Bros. as criminals on a wanted poster. No modifications were made to the game for the US release beyond the manual and intro, and thus burglar-related imagery (i.e. bags of loot, nefarious digitized "eh heh heh" cackling, policemen and guard dogs to shoot as enemies) remain intact.

Their character bio in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, despite being a Western-developed title without a Japanese release, uses their original Japanese backstory.
person ST3 calendar_month April 30, 2013
Attachment In the "True Katherine" ending, Spoiler:Erica Anderson is revealed to be a transgender woman, with the credits revealing that she was originally raised under the name Eric. She is additionally referred to by her birth name in the Japanese version's manual, which lists her sex as male. This treatment of her generated controversy in the years since the game's release on whether or not it negated the positive elements of her "flawed but realistic" characterization.

Catherine: Full Body further stoked controversy both in and out of Japan regarding the character. The game's marketing highlighted a scene where Spoiler:Vincent reacts to the sight of Erica's naked body with shock, which drew criticisms of invoking a transphobic trope where men are disturbed by the sight of a transgender woman's genitals. Additionally, the game itself includes an alternate ending in which Spoiler:Catherine goes back in time and starts dating Vincent in high school, with a time-skip showing Erica pre-transition. Although the ending heavily implies that she will still transition later on, many audiences interpreted it as advocating that transgender people continue presenting as their assigned gender at birth.
person Hipserious calendar_month March 30, 2013
In the official strategy guide for EarthBound, there are pages about the town's attractions, accompanied by fun facts, such as:
• Onett Has a population of 3,500 people and 2 dogs.
• Twoson has 10 vendors in the park and 15 mushrooms.
• In Threed, there are 2 Graveyards, 2,000 zombies, and a grand total of 0 lions, tigers, and bears.
• In Dusty Dunes Desert, there are 2,000,001 Cacti, and 5 people living there.
• There is an average of 0 Temper Tantrums in Dalaam.
• Deep Darkness has 4,000,603 Mosquitos.
Attachment EarthBound's Official Strategy Guide contains pictures of real locations. This may be to give the guide a more realistic feel, as if it wasn't a guide. The strategy guide also includes newspaper articles, which mainly revolve around Ness and his party's journey.
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