Trivia Browser



Franchise: Animal Crossing
K.K. Slider is based on the game's sound designer Kazumi Totaka. K.K. Slider's Japanese name "Totakeke" is taken from the fact that in Japan, last names are written first, so it would be Totaka Kazumi. That can be shortened to "Totaka K" very similar to "Totakeke". Totaka has also hidden music in every Animal Crossing game, and at least twelve other games. People now search for the hidden music in his games, which is known as "Totaka's Song".
Kirby's Return to Dream Land
The first letter of all the levels leading up to the final level spell out "Crowned":
• Cookie Country
• Raisin Ruins
• Onion Ocean
• White Wafers
• Nutty Noon
• Egg Engines
• Dangerous Dinner

This refers to the final boss, Spoiler:Magolor, as he uses the master crown in the final battle.
Franchise: Final Fantasy
There are two recurring names for characters; "Biggs" and "Wedge". These names come from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Biggs Darklighter & Wedge Antilles). It's thought that the reason these character names are included is because the director of several Final Fantasy games, Yoshinori Kitase, originally wanted to become a film director after watching Star Wars. Biggs and Wedge also show up in Chrono Trigger and Kingdom Hearts II.
Fallout 2
Attachment There is a special encounter that consists of a group of "Unwashed Villagers" fighting a character named "The Grim Reaper". This is a real world reference; one of the first fallout communities ever was called "The Unwashed Village Community" and this encounter is based off them. The people who you find in this encounter are members from the community, and actually fought a spammer name "Grim Reaper" who plagued the community for a long time, and was seen as an evil rival to the Unwashed Village Community.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Attachment In the "Meltdown" map, you can find a pink box of doughnuts by a power console. This is a reference to the Simpsons, as Homer Simpson works in a power plant, and regularly eats pink frosted doughnuts from a pink box.
Dead Space
At the end of the game, it is revealed that Spoiler:Nicole Brennan committed suicide before you even started your adventure. If you look back at the first letter of each chapter in the game, the letters spell "Nicole is Dead".
Chapter 01: New Arrivals
Chapter 02: Intensive Care
Chapter 03: Course Correction
Chapter 04: Obliteration Imminent
Chapter 05: Lethal Devotion
Chapter 06: Environmental Hazard
Chapter 07: Into the Void
Chapter 08: Search and Rescue
Chapter 09: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 10: End of Days
Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
Chapter 12: Dead Space
Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!
Attachment In the 3DS version, you can access a secret screen by entering the Konami Code at the title screen. At this screen, a pixelated version of the show's creator Pendleton Ward dances next to a pixelated Finn and Jake while singing "Secret screen, this is the secret screen!"
Franchise: Animal Crossing
The Gyroids bear a strong resemblance to Haniwa; clay figures made for ritual use and buried with the dead. This explains why Gyroids can only be obtained by digging, and also implies that you have just dug up someone's grave. This likeness is referenced in the Japanese version of Animal Crossing: City Folk, where the auction house owner Lloid is named "Haniwa-Kun".
Paper Mario
Luigi keeps his diary in a secret basement under his and Mario's house. If you manage to read the entries, you can find one entry reveals that Luigi is afraid of ghosts, and another where he says he wants to have the lead role in his own adventure. These diary entries are referencing Luigi's Mansion, which was in development at the time.
Far Cry 3
There's a loot item named "Ripped Teddy Bear" which has the description:
An old teddy bear, eye missing and a musty smell. Stuffing is visible between the stitches. A worn, ripped label names the bear "Bo B-".

This is a reference to The Simpsons; Mr. Burns' childhood bear, Bo Bo, that was shown in the episode "Rosebud".
Final Fantasy VII
Attachment The inscription on Jenova's helmet is a reference to the real world, and read:
Made in Hong Kong
All rights reserved 1996
Squer Company Limited

It wasn't until 2005 (When a high-res image emerged) that this was found, 8 years after the game was released.
NFL Fever 2004
Attachment When renaming or relocating an existing NFL team, one of the names offered is the "Cows", but the only city available for this team is "South Park, Colorado". In the show "South Park", the name of the South Park Elementary School Football Team is the "Cows".
Resident Evil: Uprising
Attachment You can find a sticky note in the Raccoon City Police Department describing a recipe for a "Jill Sandwich". This is a reference to Resident Evil 1, where Jill is almost crushed, but is saved by Barry. Barry then says "You were almost a Jill sandwich!"
Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter
At the end it is revealed that Spoiler:all the game's events occurred inside a coma experienced by a boy named Mike. In an early cutscene, Heather tells Mari and Jowee to "Kemi-Kewa", which when unscrambled says "Wake Mike".
Dead Space
Attachment There's an achievement called "Live With the Hot Ones" for setting enemies alight with the flame thrower. This is a direct reference to an obscure line in the EA code of conduct. Every employee at EA is contractually obligated to "Live With the Hot Ones". No one had any idea what it meant, so it became something of an in-joke at EA.
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Attachment In the first dungeon, you come across a red-capped mushroom enemy that walks around spraying spores. The enemy is named "Puffstool", and is actually a reference to a boss found in Pikmin also named "Puffstool" who sprays spores to infect Pikmin and turn them against you.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
In the German version, the Snow World is called "Großfrostheim" which translates into "Great Frost Home". This, however, is a reference to the German city "Großostheim", which is where the Nintendo of Europe headquarters are located, and where the game was localized.
Luigi's Mansion
If Luigi confronts King Boo before capturing all of the portrait ghosts, he will say "I will not give up my favorite decoration, I like Mario just where he is." This is a reference to Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. When Han Solo is trapped in carbonite, Jabba the Hutt says: "I will not give up my favorite decoration. I like captain Solo where he is." Both Mario and Solo being sealed away seems to reinforce this connection.
Metal Gear Solid
Attachment When playing on a mono-sound TV, or the audio is set to mono in the settings, calling Colonel Campbell a few times during the Hind battle will cause Snake's team to playfully mock him about not having a stereo TV.
Sonic Adventure 2
Attachment In the City Escape stage, there's a hidden message in one of the posters. "Anti XXXX XX2 Association". Since there is a 2 at the end of the XX, and the number of letters matches up, it was thought to stand for "Anti Sony PS2 Association". At the time, the Dreamcast was being dominated by the PlayStation 2 in sales.
The text was removed from later versions of the game.
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