Trivia Browser



The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Attachment There are several portraits of Mario hanging in houses of Kakiriko Village, pulling on the portraits causes Rupees to come out.
Attachment A girl in Rococo tells you that a dog outside the mayor's office is called Turbo. This is a Quintet staple, and Turbo the dog appears in Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma.
Illusion of Gaia
Attachment Kara tells you that a dog outside the man's house in Diamond Coast is called Turbo. This is a Quintet staple, and Turbo the dog appears in Soul Blazer, Robotrek, and Terranigma.
Illusion of Gaia
In the town of Euro, you can come across a very long line waiting to get into a store. All of the people lining up will say that the store carries a number of interesting potions. You can actually wait in this line, and obtain 2 potions; one which will raise your HP by 1, and another that unlocks an ability for Freedan.
Attachment Dr. Einst, the inventor, is an obvious parody of Einstein.
Attachment When using the computer in the player's house, it'll display an advertisement to buy Actraiser 2 and Illusion of Gaia.
Secret of Evermore
Attachment The hero mentions a number of fictional films throughout the game, including "It Came from the Swamp" and "Mars Needs Lumberjacks". These are both obvious references to "It Came From Outter Space", and "Mars Needs Women".
Secret of Evermore
Attachment In Omnitopia, the player's dog appears to be a robotic toaster-dog. If you remain stationary for a long period of time, toast will pop out of him.
Secret of Evermore
The player can buy a Chocobo Egg on a market, a reference to the Final Fantasy series. Using it will boost the player's hit points.
Secret of Evermore
Attachment In Ebon Keep, Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV will appear as a store owner. Ebon Keep's theme on the official soundtrack is also called "Cecil's Town." He will even make reference to his adventures on the moon, becoming a paladin, and fighting Zeromus, hoping that the player will have heard of him.
If the player says that they do recognize him, he will give a discount.
Secret of Evermore
Attachment It is widely considered that the lead hero is a reference to Marty McFly from the Back to the Future series. Both characters travel through time, use the term "heavy" and wear an orange life preserver. The lead hero also has a strong interest in movies, so this is possibly a development of that characteristic.
Secret of Evermore
Attachment During the coliseum fight, the main characters from Final Fantasy 6 can be seen in the stands. From left to right: Locke, Mog, Relm, Strago, Terra and Umaro.
Ratchet & Clank
There is a hoverboard competition hosted by a curvy alien, who is set to enter into the race. If you choose to ditch the hoverboards and spend your time executing side-flips and back-flips instead, you'll find that for each mid-air stunt, her breasts will begin to enormously inflate.
Final Fantasy X
Attachment Lulu's starting weapon, a Moogle Doll, is the only appearance of a Moogle in the game, a massive difference from all previous titles in the series. Her other weapons are references to previous characters in the series, including her final weapon of the Onion Knights from Final Fantasy III.
Sabrina the Animated Series: Zapped!
There's a few unused messages hidden in the ROM that differ from the US and EU version. In the US, there are 3 messages of "Hello there!" whereas in the EU version they read:
"Wow Salem, so this is what the inside of a hex editor looks like..."
"Hello there!"
"Hey look! Someone ripped our game!!!"

There is also a large chunk of uncompiled code, and for some reason the file path to the developer's ZoneAlarm settings: "C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZONE LABS\ZONEALARM\ZONEALARM.E"
Starship Titanic
Attachment At the beginning of the game, whilst in the house if players interact with the television, Douglas Adams will appear telling you to "Get on with it".
No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise
Attachment A Nintendo 64 can be seen very easily on a shelf in Travis' apartment during a cutscene after assassinating Dr. Peace in the original Wii version. However, in this title, the N64 is changed to a SEGA Genesis with a 32X, and SEGA CD attachments. This is likely because Nintendo would not want their console to appear in a game on a competitors' platform.
No More Heroes
Attachment A Nintendo 64 can be seen very easily on a shelf in Travis' apartment during a cutscene after assassinating Dr. Peace.

In the remake, No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise, the N64 is changed to a SEGA Genesis with a 32X and SEGA CD attachment. This is likely because Nintendo would not want their console to appear in a game on a competitors' platform.
Borderlands 2
There are a number of QR codes scattered around Pandora. Scanning these codes using a QR code scanner will result in different messages.

Pizza Boxes: "Wise man say, forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza. -Captain Picard."
Possibly a reference to 4chan, where many pictures of famous characters are misquoted. In this case, a Michelangelo quote from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Captain Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

In Zed's Pharmacy: "Thank you so much for playing our game, now I'm rich with love AND money! !!Nick Wilson!! Ditto!!!"
A reference to the artist Nicholas W., an artist at Gearbox.

Various Places: "NICK WILSON/ /HO OH"
Same as the previous message, a reference to Nicholas Wilson.
No More Heroes
At the end of No More Heroes, Jeane reveals her backstory is allegedly "too terrible" and will "jack up the age rating of the game". She also makes a reference that "you don't want this game to become No More Heroes Forever, a joke about Duke Nukem Forever's long development period. She then proceeds to tell her backstory at a sped up speed so that it is absolutely impossible to understand what she says. Slowing this down reveals a very horrible story:

"You are my half brother. You know that manga called Miyuki? The Japanese one. Well, it's like that. Your father abandoned my mother to run off with your mother. It broke her heart beyond repair. She killed herself. Knowing I had nowhere to go, he took advantage of me. Ever since I can remember, he molested me. We lived in this rotten apartment... And I was his slave. Every day I cursed his soul. I swore that I would kill him one day. But cursing didn't change anything. That's when I decided to become a killer. With no money to pay for training, I paid with my body. But to you, I bet that son of a bitch looked like a hard-working family man. That was all an act. He didn't give two shits about cleaning up my life so I decided to clean it up myself. That's why I do what I do. And I got what I wanted. Killing him in front of your very eyes. That's my story."
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