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Super Metroid
The Etecoons who teach Samus how to wall jump sing the power-up theme before their demonstration.
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
In StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty's third campaign mission, there is a Tauren Marine hidden on the map. Clicking on him three times starts a countdown which will cause him to lift off in a portable toilet.

He can then be seen flying through space from the bridge of The Hyperion and on certain missions.

Tauren are from the Warcraft series, also developed by Blizzard.
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Everything that the Dahaka says is really just the voice actor reversed. What he is really saying is:
• All who have come before you have fallen.
• No one escapes the Dahaka.
• Your end is near.
• You will be removed.
• Disrupt the timeline no further.
• Come to me. Come to your death.
• You are quick, Mortal. Quick to die.
• You can not escape your fate.
• It ends for you the same as all who seek to change their fate.
• A good fight and this outcome was inevitable.
• It was a mistake for you to even try.
• You will never be rid of me.
Dark Souls
In the Prepare to Die Edition, the player has an opportunity to save a young Sif from the Abyss. After doing so and summoning Sif for a boss fight deep in the Abyss, if the player has not yet defeated Sif in the present, the opening cutscene will change.

Sif appears to recognize the player, and is reluctant to do battle with them, but finds it necessary, likely due to Sif swearing to protect the grave or the Covenant of Artorias. This cutscene makes the hobbling animation when Sif is at low health even more heart-wrenching for some players.
Final Fantasy VII
Attachment After you find Cloud in the hospital after he falls in the Lifestream, he will mumble incoherent things when you speak to him. One of the things he mumbles is "zeno... gias..." This is a translation error and a reference to the game Xenogears. In the PC port of Final Fantasy VII, the spelling is corrected to "Xeno... gears".

Cloud also says "A billion mirror fragments.... small.... light..." which is a reference to the vocal song of Xenogears, Small Two of Pieces. One of the lines to the song is "Broken mirror, a million shades of light".
The mission Lady Boyle's Last Party is loosely based off Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Masque of the Red Death".
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Attachment Metroids appear in the second level of Iceberg. They can only be beaten with the Ice power (mirroring how Samus needs to use the Ice Beam/Missiles to defeat them). When you beat the level, Samus can be found standing in front of the exit. If you beat all the Metroids, Samus will have her helmet off. This a likely reference to the typical Metroid convention of allowing players to get a glimpse of Samus's face by getting a 100% collection rating.
Mega Man 10
According to Capcom, there is a secret somewhere in the game that players have yet to uncover, similar to the one in Mega Man 9. It's unknown what it is or if Capcom is even telling the truth.
Attachment Robbie the Rabbit, from the Silent Hill series, can be found in the Amusement Park. His Item description says, "He loves ketchup. (That's not blood!)".
BioShock Infinite
Attachment In the cemetery containing Lady Comstock's mausoleum, explore the gravestones to the left of the entrance to her body. One of the graves, the only grave with legible hand-writing, says "SNIGHT" in bold letters. This is the personal signature of Mike Snight, one of the game's environment designers.
Company: Quintet
Attachment In the games Soulblazer, ActRaiser 2, Illusion of Gaia and Robotrek, Quintet has included attacks based on the image of the Phoenix, or Firebird. In all the games the attacks are very powerful, and with the exception of ActRaiser 2 where the attack is available at the start, they are found very late in the game. In the cases of Soulblazer and Illusion of Gaia, both games having loose connections to each other, the ability is gained as part of the story and used to fight the final bosses.
Sonic Adventure
Attachment Cream has several cameos in Sonic Adventure DX. She flies by after Sonic and Tails clear Casinopolis, she can seen by Big in the same area, and Amy spots her flying by the train station at Station Square.
Viewtiful Joe
When you first meet Hulk Davidson, he will point out Joe's V-Watch and ask him, "You think you some kinda Mega man or somethin'." This is a reference to the mascot of Capcom.
If you input too many "illegal" cheats in the sandcastle in Treasure Trove Cove, Gruntilda will permanently delete your save file. This won't come into effect until you have saved and quit or turned off the console though.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Attachment Kojima named the tanker Solid Snake sneaks onto the USS Discovery after the Discovery One from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
ActRaiser 2
Just as the main bosses of the game represent the Seven Deadly Sins, major locations of the game have a symbolic or ironic connection with the demon that is plaguing them.

Diligence and Industen (Industrious) were once the hardest of workers, but then became so weak that they even lost the will to live.

The queen of Devote, instead of devoting herself to others, was so incredibly jealous of all other beautiful things that she sank her kingdom under the sea.

Temponia and Modero (Temperance and Moderation) once had extravagant amounts of food, but then starved.

The former friendly nations of Favorian and Justania (Favor and Justice) were engaged in a bloody war brought on by the demon Fury. The demon filled the Justanian king's heart with wrath.

The king of Lovaous (Love) was plagued by the demon Deception in his dreams, which filled his mind with thoughts of lust.

The king of Stormrook, overcome by greed, takes all of his citizens' money and sends them to a prison called Gratis, which means "for free", a play on words both for greed and for a prison.

Humbleton (Humble), a highly civilized, technologically advanced nation with no faith in the master, enacted a plan to build a tower (Tower of Souls/Babel) to reach the heavens and become Masters themselves.
Resident Evil 4
The unlockable Matilda pistol is actually the customised Heckler & Koch VP70 handgun Leon used in Resident Evil 2. Leon could find a stock and attachment for his VP70 pistol in RE2 that allowed him to fire bursts.
BioShock Infinite
The whispers you hear when using the Possession Vigor is dialogue from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet being played in reverse.

A longer version with some extra lines can be found by extracting the audio from the PC version of Bioshock Infinite's game files. Part of this is used when you get the Vigor. The rest can be heard being whispered to victims of Possession during combat.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
In the Tourism Trailer for Animal Crossing: New Leaf, there is a character in the front wearing a shirt that says "NTDO 1889". This is a reference to Nintendo's founding in 1889.
Bridge Project
In the Steam game Bridge Project, there's a certain car type that makes the General Lee horn sound from the 80s television series Dukes of Hazzard when plunging off a bridge.
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