
User Information
Avatar Name Dreadedpotato
Group Members
Registered January 1, 2014
Status Inactive
Trivia Stats5 trivia
Game 7 trivia
Franchise 0 trivia
Platform 0 trivia
Company 0 trivia
Collection 0 trivia
Largest Contributions
Game AdventureQuest Worlds (1 trivia)
Franchise (No franchise contributions)
Platform (No platform contributions)
Company (No company contributions)
Collection (No collection contributions)
Game Trivia7 games
AdventureQuest Worlds 1 trivia
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages 1 trivia
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons 1 trivia
Pokémon X 1 trivia
Pokémon Y 1 trivia
Project X Zone 2 1 trivia
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 1 trivia