Platform: DOS
Cool Spot
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
Star Wars: Dark Forces
The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter
The Smurfs
The Terminator: SkyNet
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
Crusader: No Regret
Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail!
Theme Hospital
Rise of the Robots
Battle Chess 3
The Orion Conspiracy
Another World
Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf
Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons
System Shock
Dragon's Lair: Escape from Singe's Castle
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
Earthworm Jim
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Discworld II: Mortality Bytes!
Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!
Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Hugo II, Whodunit?
Super Noah's Ark 3D
WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game
Raptor: Call of the Shadows
Hugo: På Nye Eventyr
James Pond 2: Codename - RoboCod
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
WWF In Your House
Town With No Name
Lode Runner
Ghostbusters II
Golden Axe
James Bond 007: The Stealth Affair
Disney's Aladdin
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