After completing the game, a mini-game becomes playable where a Bonelich will perform a song from previous Capcom games. These include:
1. Flute of the Growlin' Goblins - Ghosts 'n Goblins Stage 1
2. The Fountain Guardian - Speed Rumbler Stage 1
3. Icicle of Prosperity - SonSon Stage 1
4. Relics of the Past - Bionic Commando Stage 1
5. Mad Science - Mega Man II Wily 1
6. Barbaros's Land - Zack & Wiki Main Theme
1. Flute of the Growlin' Goblins - Ghosts 'n Goblins Stage 1
2. The Fountain Guardian - Speed Rumbler Stage 1
3. Icicle of Prosperity - SonSon Stage 1
4. Relics of the Past - Bionic Commando Stage 1
5. Mad Science - Mega Man II Wily 1
6. Barbaros's Land - Zack & Wiki Main Theme
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