There are 5 campaigns in Wargame: European Escalation, one of which is free DLC. Four of them are clearly based of real world events that nearly brought about World War three.
• 1975: Brüder gegen Brüder is based off the Werner Weinhold incident.
• 1981: Dabrowski's Mazurka is based of the Polish Solidarity incident
• 1983: Able Archer is based of the incident of the same name
• 1979: Fatal Error is based off a false warning incident that occurred within NORAD.
• 1975: Brüder gegen Brüder is based off the Werner Weinhold incident.
• 1981: Dabrowski's Mazurka is based of the Polish Solidarity incident
• 1983: Able Archer is based of the incident of the same name
• 1979: Fatal Error is based off a false warning incident that occurred within NORAD.
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