subdirectory_arrow_right Bomb Jack II (Game), Beyond the Ice Palace (Game), Ghosts 'n Goblins (Franchise), ThunderCats (Franchise), FTL Games (Company), Paradise Software (Company)

Elite's in-house ThunderCats game got pitched to Capcom as a sequel to Ghosts 'n Goblins, but was not picked up due to Ghouls 'n Ghosts being in development at the time. It would be released as an original IP, simply titled Beyond the Ice Palace, featuring a character who in certain versions of the game resembles Lion-O.
Paradise Software's ThunderCats game remains shrouded in mystery, but it seems incredibly likely that the game was released as Bomb Jack II, owing to the C64 version of the game including a rendition of the ThunderCats theme song (stolen music being somewhat of a tradition for the Bomb Jack franchise), not featuring any bombs, and having a protagonist that more closely resembles Lion-O than Bomb Jack.
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