The audio that plays during the Spoiler:Saloon sex scene is different between both the CDTV and DOS versions of the game.
•CDTV Version
•DOS Version
•CDTV Version
•DOS Version
If the player attempts to leave town, an alternate ending will play depicting a boy pleading the Man With No Name to "come back, Shane," to which he responds by shooting him for getting his name wrong before leaving. This cutscene parodies the ending of the 1953 western film Shane, right down to the boy's design.
Some of the game's cutscenes are poorly drawn renditions of scenes from the Clint Eastwood film For a Few Dollars More.
•"Do you have the right time old man?" - Game Version / Original Film Version (mock-up)
•Train Scene - Game Version / Original Film Version
In addition, the game's title is a play on Clint Eastwood's character "The Man with No Name" from the same film.
•"Do you have the right time old man?" - Game Version / Original Film Version (mock-up)
•Train Scene - Game Version / Original Film Version
In addition, the game's title is a play on Clint Eastwood's character "The Man with No Name" from the same film.
Despite the game portraying heavy usage of violence, blood, and sexual content, the game is still considered to be family-friendly as stated on the Commodore CDTV version's box cover.
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