Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Vesperia
September 17, 2009
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Attachment During a side quest over the course of the game where the Brave Vesperia guild takes on several jobs, the player will be given a manual belonging to the prisoner Irmine, which must be delivered to Nobis of the Soul Smiths guild and is a requirement for unlocking a special weapon. As you continue further in the story, traveling to Aspio after Spoiler:Nordopolica is attacked will trigger a scene where Rita talks to her fellow mages about Spoiler:Spirit conversion. After rebirthing all four Spirits and unlocking Tarqaron, the last dungeon in the game, a new scene can be triggered by going to Halare, at which point you must go finish the guild job side quest and return to the tree in Halare. Another scene is triggered where the Soul Smiths reveal they have crafted a unique blade and gift it to Rita. This is a whip called the Ivy Blade, and it's based on the primary weapon used by Ivy Valentine in the SoulCalibur series.
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The reason why the PlayStation 3 version wasn't released outside Japan until 2019 was because of how difficult it was to release the Xbox 360 version in all major territories simultaneously. According to former series producer Hideo Baba:

"Tales of Vesperia was the first title in the series which was planned to be released simultaneously in Japan, North America and Europe. This was very difficult, and it was such a heavy burden for the team. So for the PS3 version, it was decided to reduce this burden and to develop it just for Japan."
Attachment Exclusive to the Japanese PS3 version, costumes were available to be downloaded for the main characters. These costumes would be from other Namco franchises, such as a Klonoa costume for Carol, and Mitsurugi from SoulCalibur for Yuri.
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Much like the previous games, Vesperia also features a Coliseum-based Cameo battle set. This time around the player fights against major antagonists from the series, albeit with them using titles as opposed to their actual names. They are, in order:

• Time Traveler: Dhaos from Tales of Phantasia
• Sorrowful Queen of Darkness: Shizel from Tales of Eternia
• Killer of Heroes: Barbatos Goetia from Tales of Destiny II (much like his home game, using any item during the fight will trigger his Mystic Arte)
• Traitor to Heaven: Kratos Aurion from Tales of Symphonia
In the PlayStation 3 version of the game, if the player uses Rita's Thunder Blade spell against Time Traveler/Dhaos when his health is below half during the Coliseum 200 man battle, Rita will instead perform Indignation and finish him off instantly. This references the intro of Dhaos' home game Tales of Phantasia, where said spell forced Dhaos into retreat. Rita will also be able to use Indignation freely from that point onward.

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