Sonic Rush Adventure
Sonic Rush Adventure
September 14, 2007
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Hidden Island 16's layout is nearly identical to the first act of Leaf Storm from Sonic Rush.
subdirectory_arrow_right Sonic Rush (Game), Sonic Colors (Game)
When either Sonic or Blaze are on the bottom screen, tapping them will initiate an animation. Sonic will do some stretches while Blaze will jump like a scared cat and then turn her back on the player. This interaction was repeated in the sequel Sonic Rush Adventure as well as the DS version of Sonic Colors.
Like Sonic Rush before it, Sonic Rush Adventure samples a multitude of songs. The extra boss theme even samples a line from the previous extra boss theme (which in itself was already sampled from the 1997 game Grandia).
The stage music for Machine Labyrinth sounds very similar to the song La Bamba by Richard Valens.

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