The 3DS is the reason why almost every girl in the Senran Kagura series has large breasts. When series producer Kenichiro Takagi started to think of what people wanted to see in 3D the most, he thought of breasts in 30 seconds.
The name Hanzō from Hanzō National Academy comes from the legendary ninja from the Sengoku era, Hanzō Hattori who served under the shogun and led many ninja clans.
In 2012, Marvelous Entertainment announced a sequel that would replace the female ninjas with male ninjas, titled "Kagura: Aoaki no Shonentachi", and that plans for the game had started before the first Senran Kagura, but that it was rejected because the producers thought "it needed breasts to sell". They stated that the staff had continued to make the game in secret.
It was later revealed that the game was an April Fools joke.
It was later revealed that the game was an April Fools joke.
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