There were originally plans to bring the PSP port of the first two "Sakura Taisen" games to the West. This would have marked the first official release of a "Sakura Taisen" game in the West before the release of "Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love" in 2010. However, according to former Nippon Ichi Software America president Haru Akenaga, those plans fell through because Sony did not understand what the series was.
"Another publisher tried to get approval from Sony for Sakura Wars 1+2 for PSP, but it was rejected. Once a title is rejected by SCEA there is almost no chance to release the title [...] Sony said this is not a game. They said it’s a text novel. They judged it as that, so it’s really difficult to get the license again. It’s also tough to localize Sakura Wars because of the huge amount of text."
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