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In the April 1998 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly's spin-off magazine EGM2, the issue's Trick of the Month was an alleged method to unlock Akuma from the Street Fighter series as a secret playable character in Resident Evil 2. In order to unlock him, the magazine instructed players to play through both story scenarios six times each using only the Knife and the H&K VP70 gun on hand at the start of the game, and achieve an A ranking in all scenarios. Once these specific conditions are met, the player would receive some kind of clue that would lead them to the security computer in the Laboratory on Level B5F. At this point in either scenario, players would type "AKUMA" instead of "GUEST" into the computer, and after entering it would be sent to the Save screen and given the option to make a new save file with Akuma's name. After starting this new file, the game would start with Akuma breaking out of a cryogenic tank in an unused area where Tyrants were originally planned to escape from, and make his way through the game without the use of keys, with his main attack being a red Gohadoken used just like a gun by holding the Action button and firing.
In reality, after going through these difficult unlock conditions, entering AKUMA into the computer will not unlock anything, because the trick was an elaborate April Fools' prank (with the exception of the unused Tyrant area, that was real). This prank was the work of EGM2 editor and art director Mike Vallas, who took assets from Street Fighter EX and heavily modified and photoshopped them into Resident Evil 2 gameplay screenshots. It was one of two proposed April Fools' pranks that were in consideration to appear in the main EGM magazine that month, being beaten out by a prank trick for GoldenEye 007 where you could play as previous James Bond actors. Unlike Akuma, they actually were planned to appear in that game, but can only be accessed with GameShark codes.
In reality, after going through these difficult unlock conditions, entering AKUMA into the computer will not unlock anything, because the trick was an elaborate April Fools' prank (with the exception of the unused Tyrant area, that was real). This prank was the work of EGM2 editor and art director Mike Vallas, who took assets from Street Fighter EX and heavily modified and photoshopped them into Resident Evil 2 gameplay screenshots. It was one of two proposed April Fools' pranks that were in consideration to appear in the main EGM magazine that month, being beaten out by a prank trick for GoldenEye 007 where you could play as previous James Bond actors. Unlike Akuma, they actually were planned to appear in that game, but can only be accessed with GameShark codes.
EGM2 Issue #46 - April 1998 (Page 20):
Game Sleuth video with Mike Vallas interview:
Radd's Basement - Episode 2: Mike Vallas interview:
Game Sleuth video with Mike Vallas interview:
Radd's Basement - Episode 2: Mike Vallas interview:
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