Despite its status as a crossover game, both Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino and Ace Attorney series creator Shu Takumi view Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney as a legitimate installment in their respective series, rather than as a simple spin-off. In an "Iwata Asks" interview, when asked if the game was ideal for those who hadn't played either series, Hino specifically said:
"Yes, I think so. This title is not a spin-off from either series. When we were working on the game, we always had the image in mind that it was a fusion of the two. As a result, I think this title outdoes both original series in terms of volume and quality. In that sense, I think that even people who don’t own a Nintendo 3DS yet have to get hold of this game. I’d consider it a “must buy”. (laughs)
On September 25, 2010, Level-5 employee Jiro Ishii accidentally ousted the game's existence via a tweet to Square Enix employee Jin Fujisawa that stated in Japanese:
This started rumors of a new Ace Attorney game being developed by Level-5, due to the trend of newer Capcom games from established franchises being developed externally (i.e. DmC: Devil May Cry being developed by Ninja Theory). Ishii quickly covered up the mistake later that day, tweeting out:
"Huh? Oh, Gyakuten XX. I'm making it, with Mr. Takumi!"
This started rumors of a new Ace Attorney game being developed by Level-5, due to the trend of newer Capcom games from established franchises being developed externally (i.e. DmC: Devil May Cry being developed by Ninja Theory). Ishii quickly covered up the mistake later that day, tweeting out:
"A misunderstanding seems to be spreading, so let me say that I'm currently working only on Time Travelers."
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