During Moe's testimony, Franziska will whip him to make him pay attention, which causes him to have some sped up text. Slowing down the text shows that he is reciting a clown-themed version of theme song to the TV series "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air".
In the "Reunion, and Turnabout" case, an American car is called a British car in the American release because cars in Great Britain and Japan drive on the left side of the road, whereas North American cars drive on the right.
During Case #4, Farewell My Turnabout, Phoenix and Pearl enter Corrida's hotel room on the second day of the investigation. When Wendy Oldbag appears, Phoenix says "Zoinks! It's the Alien!!!", a reference to the show Scooby Doo, where the character Shaggy yells "Zoinks!" when scared.

During the third case testimony of Moe Curls, he will make a parody of the A-Team. He will ramble the theme of the "C-Team", and the judge will address him on it.
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