At the right-most zone of the map, inside a spot in the extremely dense rock wall just above the "Essence of Earth", there's a sizably large biome known simply as "The Gold" that is estimated to be filled with a little over 250,000 gold that can be accessed at the start of any run. Reaching it requires using chaotic polymorphine to transform into flying creatures to cover additional distance and save time while your human form's levitation bar recharges until you reach a specific crevasse that must be filled with more chaotic polymorphine. Jump in the polymorphine and wait until you turn into a Worm, then quickly tunnel east until you reach the biome. It's important to note that considering the biome is a literal "sea" of gold, it is possible to drown in it if you do not levitate to the surface fast enough.
There is a rare, purple liquid called Creepy Liquid that once released will convert any nearby air into more Creepy Liquid, essentially expanding until all air is turned into it. This is a reference to the Creeper World series, where the player also has to face a similar purple mass called the Creeper that consumes the world.

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